master of jurisprudence
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Master of Jurisprudence — Masters of Jurisprudence (M.J. or M.Jur) is sometimes used as an alternative name for both Master of Laws and Master of Studies in Law. It also refers to masters level courses concentraing on legal theory, in particular the philosophy of law and… … Wikipedia
Master of Comparative Jurisprudence — LL.M. (lat. Legum Magister, wobei LL. die lateinische Abkürzung für den Plural „Rechte“ ist) ist die Abkürzung für den akademischen Grad eines (engl.) Master of Laws (zu deutsch: Meister der Rechte). Dieser Postgraduierten Abschluss kann von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Islamic marital jurisprudence — Part of a series on Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) … Wikipedia
Grand Master of Ceremonies — The Grand Master of Ceremonies of France or Grand maître des cérémonies de France was one of the Great Offciers of the Maison du Roi ( King s Household ) during the Ancien Régime and Bourbon Restoration. His function was to organize all public… … Wikipedia
Jur. M. — Master of Jurisprudence. * * * … Universalium
Jur. M. — Master of Jurisprudence … Useful english dictionary
магистр — (от лат. magister начальник, глава, учитель) 1) в Древнем Риме должностное лицо (М. всадников и др.); позднее в Европе глава некоторых светских и церковных учреждений (напр.. Великий М., или гроссмейстер, глава духовно рыцарского ордена); 2) в… … Большой юридический словарь
Legal education — is the education of individuals who intend to become legal professionals or those who simply intend to use their law degree to some end, either related to law (such as politics or academic) or business. It includes: * First degrees in law, which… … Wikipedia
Legal education in the United States — generally refers to the education of lawyers before entry into practice. Other types of legal education, such as that of paralegals, of Limited Practice Officers (in Washington), and of the citizenry in general, and of the education of lawyers… … Wikipedia
British degree abbreviations — Degree abbreviations are used as an alternative way to specify an academic degree instead of spelling out the title in full, such as in reference books like Who s Who and on business cards. Many degrees have more than one abbreviation. Overview… … Wikipedia