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Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Midmost — Mid most , a. [OE. middemiste. Cf. {Foremost}.] Middle; middlemost. [1913 Webster] Ere night s midmost, stillest hour was past. Byron. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • midmost — (adj.) O.E. midmest; see MID (Cf. mid) + MOST (Cf. most) …   Etymology dictionary

  • midmost — [mid′mōst΄] adj. [ME mydmest (with most for mest from 17th c. onward) < OE midmest < * middjumo, in the middle (< IE * medhiemo , superl. of * medhjo ,MID1) + superl. suffix est, EST] 1. exactly in the middle, or nearest the middle;… …   English World dictionary

  • Midmost — Mid Mid (m[i^]d), a. [Compar. wanting; superl. {Midmost}.] [AS. midd; akin to OS. middi, D. mid (in comp.), OHG. mitti, Icel. mi[eth]r, Goth. midjis, L. medius, Gr. me sos, Skr. madhya. [root]271. Cf. {Amid}, {Middle}, {Midst}, {Mean}, {Mediate} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • midmost — adjective Date: before 12th century 1. being in or near the exact middle 2. most intimate ; innermost • midmost adverb or noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • midmost — /mid mohst /, adj. 1. being in the very middle; middlemost; middle. 2. being or occurring at or near the middle part or point of. 3. most intimate or private; innermost. adv. 4. in the midmost part; in the midst. [bef. 1000; MID + MOST; r. ME, OE …   Universalium

  • midmost — adjective In the exact middle, or nearest to the exact middle; middlemost A wide half circle of foam and glinting lights and shining shoulders of green water, the great weir closed the backwater from bank to bank, troubled all the quiet surface… …   Wiktionary

  • midmost — mid•most [[t]ˈmɪdˌmoʊst[/t]] adj. 1) being in or near the very middle; middlemost; middle 2) most intimate or private; innermost 3) in the midmost part; in the middle • Etymology: 1655–65; ME, OE mid mest …   From formal English to slang

  • midmost — /ˈmɪdmoʊst/ (say midmohst) adjective 1. being in the very middle; middlemost; middle. 2. at or near its middle point. –adverb 3. in the midmost part; in the midst …  

  • midmost point — index center (central position) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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