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  • summon — sum·mon vt: to command by service of a summons to appear in court Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. summon I …   Law dictionary

  • subpoena — sub·poe·na 1 also sub·pe·na /sə pē nə/ n [Latin sub poena under penalty]: a writ commanding a designated person upon whom it has been served to appear (as in court or before a congressional committee) under a penalty (as a charge of contempt) for …   Law dictionary

  • summon — v. a. 1. Bid, cite, call, invite, call for, send for, order to appear, notify to appear. 2. Give notice to, command to appear, convene, convoke. 3. (Mil.) Demand the surrender of …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • summon — summonable, adj. summoner, n. /sum euhn/, v.t. 1. to call upon to do something specified. 2. to call for the presence of, as by command, message, or signal; call. 3. to call or notify to appear at a specified place, esp. before a court: to summon …   Universalium

  • summon — sum•mon [[t]ˈsʌm ən[/t]] v. t. 1) to call for the presence of, as by command, message, or signal 2) to call upon to do something specified 3) to call or notify to appear at a specified place, esp. before a court: to summon a witness[/ex] 4) to… …   From formal English to slang

  • summon — /ˈsʌmən / (say sumuhn) verb (t) 1. to call as with authority to some duty, task, or performance; call upon (to do something). 2. to call for the presence of, as by command, message, or signal; call. 3. to call or notify to appear at a specified… …  

  • cite — To summon or notify to appear in court, often by means of a citation served upon the party cited; to refer to as an authority or precedent, or case in point; to quote …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • MUF (programming language) — MUF (short for Multi User Forth ) is a Forth based programming language used on TinyMUCK MUCK servers and their descendants, including Fuzzball MUCK, ProtoMUCK and GlowMUCK. MUF is the system programming language for TinyMUCK systems. Many… …   Wikipedia

  • Judicial system of the People's Republic of China — For the Ministry of Justice, see Ministry of Justice of the People s Republic of China. People s Republic of China This article is part of the series: Politics and government of …   Wikipedia

  • citation — ci·ta·tion /sī tā shən/ n 1: a writ giving notice to a person to appear in court: as a: a process served upon an interested party in a probate proceeding b: a notice to a person that he or she is charged with a petty offense (as a traffic… …   Law dictionary

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