obscure meaning

obscure meaning
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  • obscure — I (abstruse) adjective complex, cryptic, cryptical, deep, difficult, difficult to understand, enigmatic, enigmatical, esoteric, hidden, impalpable, incomprehensible, intricate, involved, mysterious, profound, recondite, transcendental, unapparent …   Law dictionary

  • meaning — n. 1) to misconstrue a meaning 2) an accepted; basic; clear; connotative; double, equivocal; figurative; literal; obscure meaning 3) grammatical; lexical; referential meaning 4) in a meaning (in the accepted meaning of the word) * * * [ miːnɪŋ]… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • obscure# — obscure adj 1 murky, gloomy, *dark, dim, dusky Analogous words: shady, shadowy, umbrageous (see corresponding nouns at SHADE) Contrasted words: *clear, lucid: *bright, brilliant, luminous 2 Obscure, dark, vague, enigmatic, cryptic, ambiguous …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Obscure — Ob*scure ([o^]b*sk[=u]r ), a. [Compar. {Obscurer} ([o^]b*sk[=u]r [ e]r); superl. {Obscurest}.] [L. obscurus, orig., covered; ob (see {Ob }) + a root probably meaning, to cover; cf. L. scutum shield, Skr. sku to cover: cf. F. obscur. Cf. {Sky}.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Obscure rays — Obscure Ob*scure ([o^]b*sk[=u]r ), a. [Compar. {Obscurer} ([o^]b*sk[=u]r [ e]r); superl. {Obscurest}.] [L. obscurus, orig., covered; ob (see {Ob }) + a root probably meaning, to cover; cf. L. scutum shield, Skr. sku to cover: cf. F. obscur. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • obscure — obscuredly /euhb skyoor id lee/, obscurely, adv. obscureness, n. /euhb skyoor /, adj., obscurer, obscurest, v., obscured, obscuring, n. adj. 1. (of meaning) not clear or plain; ambiguous, vague, or uncertain: an obscure sentence in the contract.… …   Universalium

  • obscure — ob•scure [[t]əbˈskyʊər[/t]] adj. scur•er, scur•est, 1) (of meaning) not clear or plain; ambiguous, vague, or uncertain 2) not clear to the understanding; hard to perceive: obscure motives[/ex] 3) (of language, style, a speaker, etc.) not… …   From formal English to slang

  • obscure — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French oscur, obscur, from Latin obscurus Date: 15th century 1. a. dark, dim b. shrouded in or hidden by darkness c. not clearly seen or easily distinguished ; faint < ob …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • obscure — adj. obscure to (the meaning was obscure to me) * * * [əb skjʊə] obscure to (the meaning was obscure to me) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • obscure — 1. adjective 1) the truth is that many aspects of a war s outcome remain obscure for years Syn: unclear, uncertain, unknown, in doubt, doubtful, dubious, mysterious, hazy, vague, indeterminate, concealed, hidden Ant: clear …   Thesaurus of popular words

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