obtain by reasoning

obtain by reasoning
index derive (deduce)

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  • Reasoning from the Scriptures — is primarily a doctrinal handbook of Jehovah s Witnesses arranged by topic, although it contains other features (pp. 7, 8). It is designed as a quick reference work for use in evangelizing activity and source for Bible speeches, and giving… …   Wikipedia

  • Moral reasoning — is a study in psychology that overlaps with moral philosophy. It is also called moral development. Prominent contributors to theory include Lawrence Kohlberg and Elliot Turiel. The term is sometimes used in a different sense: reasoning under… …   Wikipedia

  • derive — I (deduce) verb conclude, construe, deducere, draw a conclusion, draw an inference, extract, infer, make a deduction, obtain by reasoning, reason, theorize, trace II (receive) verb acquire, come into possession, draw from, extract, get, glean,… …   Law dictionary

  • derive — derivable, adj. deriver, n. /di ruyv /, v., derived, deriving. v.t. 1. to receive or obtain from a source or origin (usually fol. by from). 2. to trace from a source or origin. 3. to reach or obtain by reasoning; deduce; infer. 4. Chem. to… …   Universalium

  • derive — de•rive [[t]dɪˈraɪv[/t]] v. rived, riv•ing 1) to receive or obtain from a source or origin (usu. fol. by from); gain; glean 2) to trace from a source or origin 3) to reach or obtain by reasoning; deduce; infer 4) chem. to produce or obtain (a… …   From formal English to slang

  • de|riv´er — de|rive «dih RYV», verb, rived, riv|ing. –v.t. 1. to obtain from a source or origin; get; receive: »He derives much pleasure from reading adventure stories. 2. to trace (a word, custom, or title) from or to a source or origin: »The word… …   Useful english dictionary

  • de|rive — «dih RYV», verb, rived, riv|ing. –v.t. 1. to obtain from a source or origin; get; receive: »He derives much pleasure from reading adventure stories. 2. to trace (a word, custom, or title) from or to a source or origin: »The word “December” is… …   Useful english dictionary

  • derive — [c]/dəˈraɪv / (say duh ruyv) verb (derived, deriving) –verb (t) 1. (sometimes followed by from) to receive or obtain from a source or origin. 2. to trace, as from a source or origin. 3. to obtain by reasoning; deduce. 4. Chemistry to produce (a… …  

  • derive — de·rive || dɪ raɪv v. extract, take from a source; obtain through reasoning …   English contemporary dictionary

  • derived — adj. conjugated (Grammar); extracted, drawn from de·rive || dɪ raɪv v. extract, take from a source; obtain through reasoning …   English contemporary dictionary

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