of equal duration
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duration — 01. You must stay in your seats for the [duration] of the test. 02. His injury in the second game put him out for the [duration] of the season. 03. After arguing with her new husband on the airplane to Hawaii, the young bride remained silent for… … Grammatical examples in English
Bond duration — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) Bill — The Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) Bill 2008 was a bill, introduced in the British parliament, designed to secure equal pay and terms for working time between vulnerable agency workers and their permanent staff counterparts. It… … Wikipedia
Key Rate Duration — Holding all other maturities constant, this measures the sensitivity of a security or the value of a portfolio to a 1% change in yield for a given maturity. The calculation is as follows: Where: P = Security s price after a 1% decrease in yield… … Investment dictionary
Light characteristic — Symbols and abbreviations for light characteristics A light characteristic is a graphic and text description of a navigational light sequence or colour displayed on a nautical chart or in a Light List with the chart symbol for a lighthouse,… … Wikipedia
Gregorian chant — is the central tradition of Western plainchant, a form of monophonic liturgical chant of Western Christianity that accompanied the celebration of Mass and other ritual services. This vast repertory of chants is the oldest music known as it is the … Wikipedia
Pralaya — Pralaya, in Hindu cosmology, is an aeonic term which specifies different periods of time during which non activity situation persists, as per different formats or contexts. In the Samkhya philosophy, one of the six schools of classical Indian… … Wikipedia
Geon (geology) — The term geon (for geological eon) refers to large geologic time intervals.Geologists traditionally subdivide Earth history into a hierarchy of named intervals: eons, eras, periods, etc. (e.g. Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic Era). Likewise,… … Wikipedia
lighthouse — /luyt hows /, n., pl. lighthouses / how ziz/. 1. a tower or other structure displaying or flashing a very bright light for the guidance of ships in avoiding dangerous areas, in following certain routes, etc. 2. either of two cylindrical metal… … Universalium
commensurate — I adjective acceptable, accordant, adequate, agreeing, analagous, appropriate, coequal, coextensive, commeasurable, commensurable, comparable, concordant, congruent, congruous, consistent, corresponding, equal in extent, equal in measure, equal… … Law dictionary