of foreign origin

of foreign origin
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  • foreign plays adapted to the American Stage —    Most historical melodramas in the standard repertory of touring companies in the 1880s were of foreign origin. This included plays like the English Lady of Lyons by Edward Bulwer Lytton, the German Ingomar the Barbarian by Bellinghausen, the… …   The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater

  • foreign —   Mai ka āina ē mai, ē, haole; kūwaho (not domestic); malihini (of foreign origin).    ♦ Foreign land, āina ē; āina haole (of white people); kahiki (any foreign country) …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • Origin (digital distribution platform) — Origin Screencap of Origin (formerly EA Store) Developer(s) Electronic Arts Initial release June 3, 2011 (2011 06 03 …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign exchange controls — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibility Dollarization Fixed exchange rate Floating exchange rate Linked exchange rate Managed float regime Markets Foreign exchange market Futures… …   Wikipedia

  • origin — I (ancestry) noun ancestral descent, birth, bloodline, derivation, descent, dynasty, extraction, family, filiation, genealogical tree, genealogy, heritage, kith and kin, line, line of ancestors, line of descent, lineage, origo, parentage,… …   Law dictionary

  • Foreign relations of Turkey — Foreign relations of the Republic of Turkey are the Turkish government s policies in its external relations with the international community. Historically, based on the Western inspired reforms of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, such policies have placed… …   Wikipedia

  • foreign — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one s own. 2) dealing with or relating to other countries. 3) coming or introduced from outside. 4) (foreign to) strange and unfamiliar to. 5) (foreign to) not… …   English terms dictionary

  • Foreign relations of India — The Republic of India is the world s most populous democracy and has one of the fastest economic growth rates in the world (8.9 percent GDP increase in 2007, the second fastest major economy in the world after China). [… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign-born population of the United Kingdom — This article is about foreign born groups in the United Kingdom. For ethnic groups in the United Kingdom regardless of birthplace, see Ethnic groups in the United Kingdom. The foreign born population of the United Kingdom includes immigrants from …   Wikipedia

  • Origin theories of Christopher Columbus — Christopher Columbus depicted in The Virgin of the Navigators by Alejo Fernández, 1531–36. The exact origin of Christopher Columbus (his national or ethnic background) has been a source of speculation since the 19th century.[1] However, it is… …   Wikipedia

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