offer an inducement

offer an inducement
index coax, suborn

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  • inducement — n. 1) to offer, provide an inducement 2) a strong inducement 3) an inducement to 4) an inducement to + inf. (we had no inducement to work harder) * * * [ɪn djuːsmənt] provide an inducement a strong inducement an inducement to to offer an… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • inducement — [[t]ɪndju͟ːsmənt, AM du͟ːs [/t]] inducements N COUNT: oft N to inf If someone is offered an inducement to do something, they are given or promised gifts or benefits in order to persuade them to do it. They offer every inducement to foreign… …   English dictionary

  • inducement — in·duce·ment /in düs mənt, dyüs / n 1: factual matter presented by way of introduction or background to explain the principal allegations of a legal cause (as of slander or libel) compare innuendo 2: a significant offer or act that promises or… …   Law dictionary

  • inducement — in‧duce‧ment [ɪnˈdjuːsmənt ǁ ɪnˈduːs ] noun [countable, uncountable] something such as money or a gift that you are offered to persuade you to do something: • There has to be a good inducement for investors to commit money to risky but socially… …   Financial and business terms

  • offer — I n. 1) to make an offer 2) to accept, agree to; consider an offer 3) to decline, refuse, reject, spurn an offer 4) to withdraw an offer 5) a firm; reasonable; tempting; tentative offer 6) an introductory; job; trial offer 7) an offer to + inf.… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • inducement — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ powerful ▪ positive ▪ cash, financial VERB + INDUCEMENT ▪ give, offer (sb/sth as) …   Collocations dictionary

  • offer — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 of help or sth that is needed ADJECTIVE ▪ generous, kind ▪ conditional, unconditional (both esp. BrE) ▪ The company has made a conditional offer. ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • hold — 1. v. & n. v. (past and past part. held) 1 tr. a keep fast; grasp (esp. in the hands or arms). b (also refl.) keep or sustain (a thing, oneself, one s head, etc.) in a particular position (hold it to the light; held himself erect). c grasp so as… …   Useful english dictionary

  • suborn — sub·orn /sə bȯrn/ vt [Latin subornare, from sub secretly + ornare to prepare, equip] 1: to induce or procure to commit an unlawful act and esp. perjury an attempt to suborn a witness 2: to induce (perjury) or obtain (perjured testimony) from a… …   Law dictionary

  • invite — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. summon, ask; tempt, attract, lure; solicit; bid; challenge; court. See request, offer. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To request the presence of] Syn. ask, have over, have in, ask out, bid come, extend an… …   English dictionary for students

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