office force

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  • force — 1 noun 1 MILITARY a) (C) a group of people who have been trained to fight in a war: forces loyal to President Aquino | a highly efficient fighting force b) the forces the army, navy, and air force: Both her sons are in the forces. c) (U) military …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • force — /fɔs / (say faws) noun 1. strength; impetus; intensity of effect. 2. might, as of a ruler or realm; strength for war. 3. strength or power exerted upon an object; physical coercion; violence: to use force in order to do something; to use force on …  

  • Office of the Secretary of Defense — OSD OSD Identification Badge Agency overview Formed 1947 Headquarters Pentago …   Wikipedia

  • Force De Maintien De La Paix Des Nations Unies — « Casque bleu » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Casque bleu (homonymie) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Force de maintien de la paix de l'ONU — Force de maintien de la paix des Nations unies « Casque bleu » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Casque bleu (homonymie) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Force de maintien de la paix des nations unies — « Casque bleu » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Casque bleu (homonymie) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services — Office of Inspector General (OIG), for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is charged with identifying and combating waste, fraud, and abuse in the HHS’s more than 300 programs, including Medicare and programs conducted by… …   Wikipedia

  • force — Force, Vis, Neruositas, Fortitudo, Virtus. Il se prend quelquesfois pour le dessus d une entreprinse ou affaire, comme, Il combatit si vaillamment que la force fut sienne, c est à dire, que le dessus du combat et la victoire fut à luy. Item,… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Office of Strategic Influence (album) — Office of Strategic Influence Studio album by OSI Released February 17, 2003 …   Wikipedia

  • Office of the Secretary of Homeland Security Identification Badge — The Office of the Secretary of Homeland Security Identification Badge is a military badge of the United States Coast Guard issued by the Department of Homeland Security to military members assigned to the Secretary s personal staff. The badge can …   Wikipedia

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