oral examination
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oral examination — examination given verbally … English contemporary dictionary
oral examination — noun an examination conducted by spoken communication • Syn: ↑oral, ↑oral exam, ↑viva voce, ↑viva • Derivationally related forms: ↑oral (for: ↑oral) … Useful english dictionary
President Franklin D. Roosevelt never graduated from law school, because he failed courses at Columbia in his final semester and did not bother to make them up. He satisfied the courts by oral examination that he was qualified. — President Franklin D. Roosevelt never graduated from law school, because he failed courses at Columbia in his final semester and did not bother to make them up. He satisfied the courts by oral examination that he was qualified. I would pray, O… … Law dictionary
oral exam — noun an examination conducted by spoken communication • Syn: ↑oral, ↑oral examination, ↑viva voce, ↑viva • Derivationally related forms: ↑oral (for: ↑oral) … Useful english dictionary
examination — Synonyms and related words: Pap test, Socratic method, airing, analysis, anatomic diagnosis, appraisal, article, asking, assessment, assize, audition, biological diagnosis, biopsy, blue book, bringing into question, buzz session, canvassing,… … Moby Thesaurus
oral — adj 1. spoken, uttered, said, vocalized, voiced, sounded, pronounced, enunciated, intoned; vocal, expressed, articulated, verbal, conversational. 2. unwritten, word of mouth, parol, nuncupative, viva voce. 3. mouthlike, orificial, mandibular,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
oral — aural, oral Aural means ‘to do with the ear’ (from Latin auris ear) and oral means ‘to do with the mouth’ (from Latin os, oris mouth). An oral examination is one done by speaking rather than by writing; an aural examination is a medical… … Modern English usage
oral — Synonyms and related words: acknowledged, admitted, answering, articulate, articulated, audition, blue book, communicating, communicational, communional, conventional, conversational, customary, enunciated, established, exam, examen, examination … Moby Thesaurus
oral — orality, n. orally, adv. /awr euhl, ohr /, adj. 1. uttered by the mouth; spoken: oral testimony. 2. of, using, or transmitted by speech: oral methods of language teaching; oral traditions. 3. of, pertaining to, or involving the mouth: the oral… … Universalium
oral — /ˈɒrəl / (say oruhl) adjective 1. uttered by the mouth; spoken: oral testimony. 2. employing speech, as teachers or methods of teaching. 3. of or relating to the mouth: the oral cavity. 4. done, taken, or administered by the mouth: an oral dose… …