pay debts
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pay dues — pay taxes, pay membership fees; pay debts … English contemporary dictionary
ability to pay debts — See able to pay; insolvency … Ballentine's law dictionary
pay — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ hourly, monthly, weekly ▪ full, half (both esp. BrE) ▪ He has taken leave on half pay. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
debts of the United States — As these words are used in Art. 1, § 8 of the Constitution conferring upon Congress the power to pay debts of the United States, the debts are not limited to those which are evidenced by some written obligation, or to those which are otherwise of … Ballentine's law dictionary
pay-as-you-go — /pay euhz yoo goh /, n. 1. the principle or practice of paying for goods and services at the time of purchase, rather than relying on credit. adj. 2. of, pertaining to, or based on such a principle or practice: a pay as you go budget. [1830 40,… … Useful english dictionary
pay the piper — or[pay the fiddler] {v. phr.} To suffer the results of being foolish; pay or suffer because of your foolish acts or wasting money. * /Bob had spent all his money and got into debt, so now he must pay the piper./ * /Fred had a fight, broke a… … Dictionary of American idioms
pay the piper — or[pay the fiddler] {v. phr.} To suffer the results of being foolish; pay or suffer because of your foolish acts or wasting money. * /Bob had spent all his money and got into debt, so now he must pay the piper./ * /Fred had a fight, broke a… … Dictionary of American idioms
pay old debts — index quit (repay) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pay down something — pay down (something) to reduce the total amount of money owed. If this trend continues, the government could start paying down the national debt. We ve got a big mortgage on the house and want to pay it down as quickly as we can. Usage notes:… … New idioms dictionary
pay down — (something) to reduce the total amount of money owed. If this trend continues, the government could start paying down the national debt. We ve got a big mortgage on the house and want to pay it down as quickly as we can. Usage notes: most often… … New idioms dictionary