
I noun agony, anguish, complaint, cry, dirge, discontent, displeasure, dissatisfaction, distress, expression of discontent, expression of grief, expression of pain, grief, grieving, groan, lament, lamenta, lamentation, moan, outcry, querela, querimonia, sigh, sorrow, wail, whine, woe II index charge (accusation), complaint, denunciation, outcry

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  • plaint — [pleɪnt] noun [countable] LAW the reason why a plaintiff has brought a legal action against someone, or a written statement giving this reason; = complaint AmE see also plea * * * plaint …   Financial and business terms

  • Plaint — Plaint, n. [OE. plainte, pleynte, F. plainte, fr. L. plangere, planctum (plancta, fem. p. p.), to beat, beat the breast, lament. Cf. {Complain}, {Plague}, {Plangent}.] 1. Audible expression of sorrow; lamentation; complaint; hence, a mournful… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • plaint — plaint, ainte (plin, plin t ) part. passé de plaindre. Qui est l objet de la pitié. •   Plaint mais négligé par ceux qu il appelait ses amis, le Tasse...., VOLT. Ess. poés. ép. VII …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • plaint — [ pleınt ] noun count LITERARY a complaint …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • plaint — (n.) early 13c., expression of sorrow, from O.Fr. pleint, from L. planctus lamentation, beating, from plangere to lament, to strike (see PLAGUE (Cf. plague)). Connecting notion probably via beating one s breast in grief …   Etymology dictionary

  • plaint — Plaint, [pl]ainte. part …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • plaint — [plānt] n. [ME plainte < OFr < L planctus, lamentation, loud banging < pp. of plangere, to beat the breast, lament < IE base * plag , to strike > FLAW2, Gr plēssein, to strike] 1. Old Poet. lamentation; lament 2. a complaint or… …   English World dictionary

  • plaint — com·plaint; com·plaint·ive; plaint; plaint·ful; …   English syllables

  • plaint — noun /pleɪnt/ a) A lament or woeful cry. <!ISBN 0 399 15232 6 page 499 In the first paroxysm of his grief, Ingolfr exclaimed, (what sorrowing heart has not echoed his plaint?) that he could never more taste of joy. b) A complaint. she seemed… …   Wiktionary

  • plaint — [[t]ple͟ɪnt[/t]] plaints N COUNT A plaint is a complaint or a sad cry. [LITERARY] Somewhere a dog was howling, a forlorn, haunting plaint that echoed eerily upon the sea misted air …   English dictionary

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