plausible excuse
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plausible — [ plozibl ] adj. • 1552; lat. plausibilis « digne d être applaudi » ♦ Qui semble devoir être admis. ⇒ admissible, vraisemblable. Caractère plausible d un événement. Cause, raison très plausible. ⇒ probable. « Ce motif n était pas le véritable,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
plausible — plausibility, plausibleness, n. plausibly, adv. /plaw zeuh beuhl/, adj. 1. having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable: a plausible excuse; a plausible plot. 2. well spoken and… … Universalium
plausible — plau•si•ble [[t]ˈplɔ zə bəl[/t]] adj. 1) having an appearance of truth or reason; credible; believable: a plausible excuse[/ex] 2) well spoken and apparently worthy of confidence: a plausible commentator[/ex] • Etymology: 1535–45; < L… … From formal English to slang
plausible — adjective /ˈplɔːz.ɪ.bəl,ˈplɔːz.ə.bəl/ a) Seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; credible: a plausible excuse. b) Worthy of being applauded; praiseworthy; commendable; ready … Wiktionary
plausible — plausible, credible, believable, colorable, specious are comparable when they mean capable of impressing the observer, auditor, or reader as truly or genuinely possessing the quality or character that is set forth or claimed. A thing or sometimes … New Dictionary of Synonyms
excuse — [ ɛkskyz ] n. f. • fin XIVe; de excuser 1 ♦ Raison alléguée pour se défendre d une accusation, d un reproche, pour expliquer ou atténuer une faute. ⇒ 1. défense, explication, justification, motif, raison. Alléguer, donner, fournir une bonne… … Encyclopédie Universelle
plausible — [plô′zə bəl] adj. [L plausibilis < plaudere, to applaud] 1. seemingly true, acceptable, etc.: often implying disbelief 2. seemingly honest, trustworthy, etc.: often implying distrust plausibility n. plausibleness plausibly adv. SYN. PLAUSIBLE… … English World dictionary
excuse — I n. 1) to find; make; make up an excuse for 2) to accept an excuse 3) to reject an excuse 4) an acceptable, good; convincing; feeble, flimsy, lame, poor, weak; glib; plausible; ready made; unacceptable; valid excuse 5) an excuse for (an excuse… … Combinatory dictionary
excuse — ex|cuse1 S2 [ıkˈskju:z] v [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1 excuse me 2¦(forgive)¦ 3¦(from a duty)¦ 4¦(explain)¦ 5¦(from a place)¦ 6 excuse yourself 7 excuse me (for living)! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1400 1500; : Old French; Origin: excuser, from … Dictionary of contemporary English
excuse — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 reason given ADJECTIVE ▪ perfect, wonderful ▪ excellent, good, great, legitimate, valid ▪ convincing … Collocations dictionary