ply one's trade
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ply — ply1 plyingly, adv. /pluy/, v., plied, plying. v.t. 1. to work with or at diligently; employ busily; use: to ply the needle. 2. to carry on, practice, or pursue busily or steadily: to ply a trade. 3. to treat with or apply to (something)… … Universalium
ply — ply1 [plī] vt. plied, plying [ME plien < OFr plier < L plicare, to fold < IE base * plek , to entwine > FLAX] Now Rare to bend, twist, fold, or mold vi. Obs. to bend or submit n. pl. plies [MFr pli < the v.] 1 … English World dictionary
ply — I [[t]plaɪ[/t]] v. plied, ply•ing 1) to work with diligently; employ busily; wield: to ply the needle[/ex] 2) to carry on, practice, or pursue busily or steadily: to ply a trade[/ex] 3) to assail repeatedly or persistently: to ply horses with a… … From formal English to slang
trade — trade1 W1S3 [treıd] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(buying/selling)¦ 2 the hotel/tourist etc trade 3¦(amount of business)¦ 4¦(an exchange of things)¦ 5 the trade 6¦(job/work)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Middle Low German; Origin: course, way, track ] … Dictionary of contemporary English
ply — I. /plaɪ / (say pluy) verb (plied, plying) –verb (t) 1. to use; employ busily, or work with or at: to ply the needle. 2. to carry on, practise, or pursue: to ply a trade. 3. to treat with something repeatedly applied: I plied the fire with fresh… …
ply — 1. n. (pl. ies) 1 a thickness or layer of certain materials, esp. wood or cloth (three ply). 2 a strand of yarn or rope etc. Etymology: ME f. F pli f. plier, pleier f. L plicare fold 2. v. ( ies, ied) 1 tr. use or wield vigorously (a tool, weapon … Useful english dictionary
ply — I. verb (plied; plying) Etymology: Middle English plien, short for applien to apply Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. a. to use or wield diligently < busily plying his pen > b. to practice or … New Collegiate Dictionary
ply — ply1 noun (plural plies) 1》 a thickness or layer of a folded or laminated material. 2》 each of a number of multiple layers or strands of which something is made: [in combination] four ply. Origin ME (in the sense fold ): from Fr. pli, plier to… … English new terms dictionary
Trans-Saharan trade — is trade across the Sahara between Mediterranean countries and West Africa. While existing from prehistoric times, the peak of such trade extended from the eighth century until the late sixteenth century. Increasing Desertification and Economic… … Wikipedia
Business — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Business >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 business business occupation employment Sgm: N 1 pursuit pursuit &c. 622 Sgm: N 1 what one is doing what one is doing what one is about Sgm: N 1 affair affair … English dictionary for students