portage fee
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fee — Synonyms and related words: Trinkgeld, account, admission, admission fee, allowance, anchorage, assessment, bill, blackmail, blood money, bonus, bounty, bribe, brokerage, carfare, cellarage, charge, charges, compensate, consideration, copyhold,… … Moby Thesaurus
portage — Synonyms and related words: admission, admission fee, air express, airfreight, airlift, anchorage, asportation, bearing, brokerage, carfare, carriage, carry, carrying, cartage, cellarage, charge, charges, conveyance, cover charge, demand, dockage … Moby Thesaurus
portage — n 1. carriage, conveyance, cartage, haulage, porterage, waftage, waft; transport, transportation, transference; shipment, freight, freightage, truckage. 2. fee, toll, charge, charges, demand, fare, exaction; towage … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
fare — I noun carfare, charge, charge for carriage of passengers, charge for conveyance of a person, cost of commutation, cost of conveyance, cost of transportation, expense, expense of transportation, fee, hire, money paid for passage, naulum, passage … Law dictionary
Northern Tallgrass Prairie National Wildlife Refuge — was established to provide a means of working with individuals, groups, private organizations, and government entities to permanently preserve a portion of the remaining remnant tracts of northern tallgrass prairie in Minnesota and Iowa. The… … Wikipedia
Rayman 2: The Great Escape — Rayman 2 The Great Escape Éditeur Ubisoft Développeur Ubisoft Montpellier Ubisoft Paris … Wikipédia en Français
Kalamazoo, Michigan — Kalamazoo redirects here. For other uses, see Kalamazoo (disambiguation). Kalamazoo, Michigan City … Wikipedia
North Shore (Lake Superior) — Split Rock Lighthouse is on North Shore of Lake Superior. This is part of a Minnesota State Park and is open for visitors … Wikipedia
Old Mackinac Point Light — Location Mackinaw City, Michigan Year first constructed 1892 Year first lit 1892 Deactivated 1957 Foundation Ashlar limestone … Wikipedia
Geants de processions et de corteges — Géants de processions et de cortèges Des figures de géants sont présentes dans des processions et cortèges de folklore de pays du monde entier. Il s agit soit de personnages soit parfois de dragons ou d animaux fabuleux. Les géants processionnels … Wikipédia en Français