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Prepollent — Pre*pol lent, a. [L. praepollens, p. p. of praepollere to surpass in power; prae before + pollere to be powerful.] Having superior influence or power; prevailing; predominant. [R.] Boyle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
predominate — I (command) verb administer, be sovereign, be supreme, carry weight, command, determine, direct, dominate, gain the upper hand, govern, guide, have influence, have sway, have the upper hand, hold dominion, hold office, influence, lead, manage,… … Law dictionary
pouvoir — I. Pouvoir faire quelque chose, Posse, Pollere, Valere. Pouvoir beaucoup envers aucun, Valere plurimum apud aliquem. Sera ce à toy de pouvoir dire, etc. An erit haec optio et potestas tua, vt dicas? etc. Cestuy la pourra dire, Dixerit ille. Aucun … Thresor de la langue françoyse
prepollent — (ˈ)prē|pälənt adjective Etymology: Latin praepollent , praepollens, present part of praepollēre to surpass in power, from prae pre + pollēre to be strong, be able more at pollex : superior in influence or power : predominant … Useful english dictionary