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proffer payment
index offer (tender)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • offer — of·fer / ȯ fər/ n 1: a proposal, promise, or other manifestation of willingness to make and fulfill a contract or to bargain under proposed terms with another party that has the power to accept it upon receiving it denied accepting the offer see …   Law dictionary

  • tender — ten·der 1 n 1 a: an act or instance of tendering b: an unconditional offer of payment or performance (as in discharge of an obligation) that is coupled with a manifestation of willingness and ability to follow through (as by producing a check) c …   Law dictionary

  • offer — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Present for acceptance Nouns 1. offer, proffer, presentation, tender, bid, overture, advance; ultimatum, last word, final offer; proposal, proposition, motion, invitation; asking price; candidature,… …   English dictionary for students

  • tender — tender1 tenderly, adv. tenderness, n. /ten deuhr/, adj., tenderer, tenderest, v. adj. 1. soft or delicate in substance; not hard or tough: a tender steak. 2. weak or delicate in constitution; not strong or hardy …   Universalium

  • advance — ad·vance 1 vt ad·vanced, ad·vanc·ing: to supply or provide ahead of time: as a: to give (a gift) by way of or as an advancement b: to supply (as money) beforehand in expectation of repayment or other future adjustment advance 2 n: a provision of… …   Law dictionary

  • bid — 1 / bid/ vb bid, bid·ding vt: to offer (a price) for payment or acceptance vi: to make a bid: state what one will pay or take in payment a contractor bidding for a job bid·der n bid 2 …   Law dictionary

  • tender — An offer of money. The act by which one produces and offers to a person holding a claim or demand against him the amount of money which he considers and admits to be due, in satisfaction of such claim or demand, without any stipulation or… …   Black's law dictionary

  • ten´der|er — ten|der1 «TEHN duhr», adjective, verb, noun. –adj. 1. not hard or tough; soft: »The meat is tender. Stones hurt the little child s tender feet. 2. a) not strong and hardy; delicate: »tender young grass. The leaves in spring are green and tender.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ten´der|ly — ten|der1 «TEHN duhr», adjective, verb, noun. –adj. 1. not hard or tough; soft: »The meat is tender. Stones hurt the little child s tender feet. 2. a) not strong and hardy; delicate: »tender young grass. The leaves in spring are green and tender.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ten´der|a|ble — ten|der1 «TEHN duhr», adjective, verb, noun. –adj. 1. not hard or tough; soft: »The meat is tender. Stones hurt the little child s tender feet. 2. a) not strong and hardy; delicate: »tender young grass. The leaves in spring are green and tender.… …   Useful english dictionary

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