publicly indecent

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  • indecent exposure — in·de·cent exposure n: the exposing of one s private body parts (as the genitals) either recklessly or intentionally and under circumstances likely to cause offense or affront ◇ Indecent exposure is generally classified as a misdemeanor. Merriam… …   Law dictionary

  • Indecent Displays (Control) Act 1981 — The Indecent Displays (Control) Act is an Act of Parliament covering Scotland, England and Wales but not Northern Ireland. It is concerned with preventing the display of “indecent” material to the unsuspecting public. As with the Protection of… …   Wikipedia

  • indecent — adj. 1 offending against recognized standards of decency. 2 unbecoming; highly unsuitable (with indecent haste). Phrases and idioms: indecent assault a sexual attack not involving rape. indecent exposure the intentional act of publicly and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • lewd — / lüd/ adj: involving or being sexual conduct that is considered indecent or offensive: licentious convicted of lewd and lascivious assault upon a child National Law Journal lewd·ly adv lewd·ness n …   Law dictionary

  • Edison Chen photo scandal — The affair dominated the front covers of gossip magazines in early February 2008 The Edison Chen photo scandal involved the illegal distribution over the Internet of intimate and private photographs of Hong Kong actor Edison Chen with various… …   Wikipedia

  • Obscenity — Part of a series on Censorship By media …   Wikipedia

  • Media and Publishing — ▪ 2007 Introduction The Frankfurt Book Fair enjoyed a record number of exhibitors, and the distribution of free newspapers surged. TV broadcasters experimented with ways of engaging their audience via the Internet; mobile TV grew; magazine… …   Universalium

  • Michael Brown Okinawa assault incident — Michael Brown Okinawa attempted assault incident Date: November 2, 2002 Place: Okinawa, Japan Charge: Attempted rape, destruction of private property Result: Convicted of: attempted indecent assault, destruction of private property The Michael… …   Wikipedia

  • Computers and Information Systems — ▪ 2009 Introduction Smartphone: The New Computer.       The market for the smartphone in reality a handheld computer for Web browsing, e mail, music, and video that was integrated with a cellular telephone continued to grow in 2008. According to… …   Universalium

  • Gay bathhouse — Gay bathhouses, also known as gay saunas or steam baths (and sometimes called, in gay slang in some regions, the baths or the tubs ), are places where men can go to have sex with other men. Not all men who visit such bathhouses consider… …   Wikipedia

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