question in one's mind
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mind, philosophy of — Branch of philosophy that studies the nature of mind and its various manifestations, including intentionality, sensation and sense perception, feeling and emotion, traits of character and personality, the unconscious, volition, thought, memory,… … Universalium
mind — n. & v. n. 1 a the seat of consciousness, thought, volition, and feeling. b attention, concentration (my mind keeps wandering). 2 the intellect; intellectual powers. 3 remembrance, memory (it went out of my mind; I can t call it to mind). 4 one s … Useful english dictionary
mind — noun 1》 the faculty of consciousness and thought. 2》 a person s ability to think and reason; the intellect. ↘a person s memory. ↘a person identified with their intellectual faculties: he was one of the greatest minds of his time. 3》 a… … English new terms dictionary
question — ques|tion1 [ kwestʃən ] noun *** 1. ) count something that someone asks you when they want information: answer a question: Why won t you answer my question? ask a question: I regretted asking the question as soon as the words were out. rephrase a … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
question */*/*/ — I UK [ˈkwestʃ(ə)n] / US noun Word forms question : singular question plural questions 1) a) [countable] something that someone asks you when they want information answer a question: Why won t you answer my question? ask a question: I regretted… … English dictionary
one — adj., n., & pron. adj. 1 single and integral in number. 2 (with a noun implied) a single person or thing of the kind expressed or implied (one of the best; a nasty one). 3 a particular but undefined, esp. as contrasted with another (that is one… … Useful english dictionary
mind fuck — noun a situation which calls into question the way your mind currently sees a certain idea or the world in general One day there was a big cockroach on the wall and a woman hit it with her shoe and it screamed. I swear it screamed. That was about … Wiktionary
Mind — • Explores the term in relation to consciousness, matter, and mechanism Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Mind Mind † … Catholic encyclopedia
Mind the Gap (альбом) — Mind The Gap Альбом Scooter … Википедия
Mind transfer in fiction — Mind transfer is a common theme in science fiction. The idea is very briefly mentioned in Isaac Asimov s 1956 short story The Last Question : One by one Man fused with AC, each physical body losing its mental identity in a manner that was somehow … Wikipedia