quod tangi non potest

quod tangi non potest
index impalpable

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • impalpable — I adjective attenuated, barely seen, concealed, covered, covert, delicate, difficult to feel, difficult to perceive, difficult to see, doubtable, dubitable, equivocal, fine, hidden, immateriate, imperceptible, inappreciable, inapprehensible,… …   Law dictionary

  • inheritance — in·her·i·tance /in her ə təns/ n 1: the act of inheriting: as a: the acquisition of real or personal property under the laws of intestacy or sometimes by will b: the succession upon the death of an owner either by will or by operation of law to… …   Law dictionary

  • DEXTRA — fidei symbolum: Certe in toto pene orbe ἐθος ἐπὶ πίςτει καὶ ςυνθήκαις βεβαίαις τὰς δεξιὰς διδόναι ἀλλήλοις, Schol. in Aristoph. Nub. Inprimus apud Persas, quibus omni iuramento fides dextrâ data fuit Sanctior. Diod. l. 16. Quos imitatus Alexander …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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