
index repetitious

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  • reechoed — v. reverberate again, resonate again, echo again …   English contemporary dictionary

  • reverberation — [ri vʉr΄bə rā′shən] n. [ME < ML reverberatio] 1. a reverberating or being reverberated; a reechoing or being reechoed; reflection of light or sound waves, deflection of heat or flame, etc. 2. something reverberated; reechoed sound, reflected… …   English World dictionary

  • University of the Philippines, Los Baños — Infobox University name = native name = Unibersidad ng Pilipinas Los Baños motto = Honor and Excellence established = June 18, 1908 (system) March 6, 1909 (campus) type = National university president = Emerlinda R. Roman chancellor = Luis Rey I …   Wikipedia

  • reecho — /ree ek oh/, v., reechoed, reechoing, n., pl. reechoes. v.i. 1. to echo back, as a sound. 2. to give back an echo; resound. v.t. 3. to echo back. 4. to repeat like an echo. n. 5. a repeated echo. Also, re echo. [1580 90; RE + ECHO] * * * …   Universalium

  • reverberation — /ri verr beuh ray sheuhn/, n. 1. a reechoed sound. 2. the fact of being reverberated or reflected. 3. something that is reverberated: Reverberations from the explosion were felt within a six mile radius. 4. an act or instance of reverberating. 5 …   Universalium

  • repetitious — I adjective duplicative, echoic, echoing, harping, incessant, invariable, monotonous, pleonastic, pleonastical, recapitulatory, recurrent, recurring, redundant, reduplicative, reechoed, reiterant, reiterative, repeated, repeating, repetitional,… …   Law dictionary

  • RINUCCINI, Ottavio — (1562 1621) Ottavio Rinuccini, born in Florence and active there for most of his life, was a librettist, poet, and courtier. He was of a noble Florentine family and received a good classical education. At an early age he became a member of the… …   Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary

  • doubled — Synonyms and related words: creased, crimped, dog eared, duplicated, echoed, flexible, flounced, fluted, foldable, folded, folding, gathered, plagiarized, plaited, pleated, pliable, plicate, plicated, plicatile, quilled, quoted, rechauffe,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • duplicated — Synonyms and related words: biform, bifurcated, bilateral, bipartisan, bipartite, dichotomous, double, doubled, duadic, dual, dualistic, duplex, dyadic, echoed, identical, matched, plagiarized, quoted, rechauffe, redoubled, reduplicated, reechoed …   Moby Thesaurus

  • plagiarized — Synonyms and related words: counterfeit, doubled, duplicated, echoed, ersatz, fake, forged, hokey, hot, imitation, mock, phony, pilfered, pirated, pseudo, purloined, quasi, quoted, rechauffe, redoubled, reduplicated, reechoed, regurgitated,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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