refusal to answer
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refusal — I noun abjuration, abnegation, ban, debarment, declination, declinature, defiance, denial, disallowance, disapprobation, disapproval, disavowal, disclaimer, discountenance, enjoinment, exclusion, incompliance, interdiction, negation, negative… … Law dictionary
Prenuptial Agreement for the Prevention of Get-Refusal — Prenuptial agreements for the prevention of get refusal were developed over the last century to answer a need that arose within Jewish marriages [See Rachel Levmore, “Get Refusal in the United States and One Method of Prevention: Prenuptial… … Wikipedia
No case to answer — Criminal procedure Criminal trials and convictions … Wikipedia
(not) take no for an answer — Someone who will not take no for an answer is very insistent in the way they make their request or offer and is unwilling to accept a refusal. My grandmother insisted that we stay for dinner and wouldn t take no for an answer … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
negative answer — index denial, refusal Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
not take no for an answer — to be unwilling to accept a refusal. She sent faxes, made phone calls, sent e mail she just wouldn t take no for an answer … New idioms dictionary
take no for an answer — accept a refusal, understand that no means no … English contemporary dictionary
take no refusal — reject all refusals, not accept no for an answer … English contemporary dictionary
won't take no for an answer — will not accept refusal, will not accept a negative reply … English contemporary dictionary
Stop and Identify statutes — “Stop and identify” statutes are laws in the United States that require persons detained under certain circumstances to identify themselves to a police officer. [Although “police officer” is used throughout this article, most “stop and identify”… … Wikipedia