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have — verb (has, having, had) 1》 (also have got) possess, own, or hold. ↘be made up of; comprise. ↘be able to make use of. ↘know (a language or subject): I had only a little French. 2》 experience; undergo. ↘(also have got) suffer from… … English new terms dictionary
United States Senate election in Connecticut, 2006 — 2000 ← November 7, 2006 → 2012 … Wikipedia
Democratic Party primary, Connecticut United States Senate election, 2006 — The 2006 Connecticut Senate Democratic Primary was held on August 8, 2006 and pitted three term incumbent Senator Joe Lieberman against cable executive Ned Lamont. Connecticut is a stronghold for the Democratic Party and Senator Lieberman s seat… … Wikipedia
use — v. /yoohz/ or, for pt. form of 9, /yoohst/; n. /yoohs/, v., used, using, n. v.t. 1. to employ for some purpose; put into service; make use of: to use a knife. 2. to avail oneself of; apply to one s own purposes: to use the facilities. 3. to… … Universalium
Prostitution and the law — Prostitution legal and regulated … Wikipedia
persecute — I verb abuse, afflict, aggrieve, agonize, annoy, assail, attack, badger, be intolerant, be malevolent, be malicious, be offensive, be ruthless, bedevil, beset, bother, browbeat, bully, carp at, chevy, crucify, damage, distress, disturb, do an… … Law dictionary
have — ► VERB (has; past and past part. had) 1) possess, own, or hold. 2) experience; undergo: have difficulty. 3) be able to make use of. 4) (have to) be obliged to; must. 5) perform the action indicated by the noun … English terms dictionary
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
ancient Rome — ▪ ancient state, Europe, Africa, and Asia Introduction the state centred on the city of Rome. This article discusses the period from the founding of the city and the regal period, which began in 753 BC, through the events leading to the… … Universalium
Union of Christendom — • Includes the Catholic Church together with the many other religious communions which have either directly or indirectly, separated from it Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Union of Christendom Union of Christend … Catholic encyclopedia