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seize the opportunity — {v. phr.} To exploit a chance. * /His wealthy uncle offered to send him to Harvard and he wisely seized the opportunity./ … Dictionary of American idioms
seize the opportunity — {v. phr.} To exploit a chance. * /His wealthy uncle offered to send him to Harvard and he wisely seized the opportunity./ … Dictionary of American idioms
seize the day — Synonyms and related words: blow, capitalize on, carpe diem, cash in, dissipate, gamble away, go through, hang the expense, improve the occasion, lavish, make no provision, not be behindhand, profit by, put to advantage, run through, scatter,… … Moby Thesaurus
seize the opportunity — act now to gain most, take advantage of He seized the opportunity to invest in gold. He didn t wait … English idioms
seize — [siːz] verb [transitive] 1. LAW if the police or another official authority seize goods or property, they take them because they are illegal or because the owner has not paid a debt: • South Korean authorities seized 186,000 fake products in 1999 … Financial and business terms
The Thirty Years War — The Thirty Years War † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Thirty Years War The Thirty Years War (1618 48), though pre eminently a German war, was also of great importance for the history of the whole of Europe, not only because nearly all… … Catholic encyclopedia
seize — [ siz ] verb transitive ** 1. ) to take something using official power and force: CONFISCATE: Customs officials have seized 100 pounds of cocaine. Action was taken to seize criminal assets valued at $200 million. a ) to take control of a place or … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
The Vatican — The Vatican † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Vatican This subject will be treated under the following heads: I. Introduction; II. Architectural History of the Vatican Palace; III. Description of the Palace; IV. Description of the… … Catholic encyclopedia
The Emergency (Ireland) — The Emergency ( ga. Ré na Práinne) was an official euphemism used by the Irish Government during the 1940s to refer to its position during World War II. The state was officially neutral during World War II, but declared an official state of… … Wikipedia
The Dukes of Hazzard (film) — The Dukes of Hazzard Theatrical release poster Directed by Jay Chandrasekhar Pro … Wikipedia