sense of danger

sense of danger
index apprehension (fear)

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  • Danger — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Danger >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 danger danger peril insecurity jeopardy risk hazard venture precariousness slipperiness Sgm: N 1 instability instability &c. 149 Sgm: N 1 …   English dictionary for students

  • sense — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sight, hearing, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ acute, developed, good, keen ▪ Raccoons have a highly developed sense of touch. ▪ poor ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • danger — n. 1) to constitute, represent; create (a) danger 2) to run a danger 3) to expose to danger 4) to face; sense (a) danger 5) to avert (a) danger 6) (a) deadly, grave, mortal; imminent, impending danger 7) (legal) a clear and present danger 8) a… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • sense — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French or Latin; Anglo French sen, sens sensation, feeling, mechanism of perception, meaning, from Latin sensus, from sentire to perceive, feel; perhaps akin to Old High German sinnan to go, strive,… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sense — I UK [sens] / US noun Word forms sense : singular sense plural senses *** 1) [singular] a strong feeling or belief about yourself sense of: Winning an award would give me a great sense of achievement. They say they are dealing with the problem,… …   English dictionary

  • sense — 01. Some people say that animals can [sense] an earthquake before it occurs. 02. Police are looking for witnesses in the [senseless] beating of an 80 year old man on the weekend. 03. Some people think that dogs can [sense] your fear. 04. My… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • sense*/*/*/ — [sens] noun I 1) [U] a reasonable way of thinking about something or doing something They must have had the sense to park the car in the shade.[/ex] There s no sense in going ahead until the costs have been agreed.[/ex] 2) [C] a feeling or belief …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Danger — Dan ger, n. [OE. danger, daunger, power, arrogance, refusal, difficulty, fr. OF. dagier, dongier (with same meaning), F. danger danger, fr. an assumed LL. dominiarium power, authority, from L. dominium power, property. See {Dungeon}, {Domain},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • danger — mid 13c., power of a lord or master, jurisdiction, from Anglo Fr. daunger, O.Fr. dangier power, power to harm, mastery, authority, control (12c., Mod.Fr. danger), alteration (due to assoc. with damnum) of dongier, from V.L. *dominarium power of a …   Etymology dictionary

  • danger — ► NOUN 1) the possibility of suffering harm. 2) a cause of harm. 3) the possibility of something unpleasant. ORIGIN originally in the sense «jurisdiction or power», specifically «power to harm»: from Old French dangier, from Latin dominus lord …   English terms dictionary

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