sententious saying
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saying — saying, saw, adage, proverb, maxim, motto, epigram, aphorism, apothegm can all denote a sententious expression of a general truth. A saying is a brief current or habitual expression that may be anonymous, traditional, or attributable to a… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
saying — Synonyms and related words: Parthian shot, adage, address, affirmance, affirmation, allegation, ana, analects, announcement, annunciation, answer, aphorism, apostrophe, apothegm, assertion, asseveration, averment, avouchment, avowal, axiom,… … Moby Thesaurus
sententious — adjective formal saying clever things about morality or the way people should behave: sententious remarks sententiously adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
saying — n. 1. Expression, observation, remark, declaration, statement, speech. 2. Proverb, saw, maxim, aphorism, adage, apothegm, dictum, by word, sententious precept … New dictionary of synonyms
maxim — I noun adage, aphorism, aphoristic expression, axiom, byword, canon, established principle, expression, gnomic saying, moralism, pithy saying, postulate, praeceptum, precept, principium, principle, proverb, proverbial saying, regula, rule, sage… … Law dictionary
saw — I n 1. cutting tool, handsaw, hacksaw, circular saw, band saw, keyhole saw, butcher s saw, lumberman s saw. v 2. cut, divide, sever, dissever; split, rend, sunder, dispart, cleave, rive; bisect, halve, quarter, intersect; subdivide, compart,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
aphorism — n proverb, apothegm, gnome, mot, adage, epigram, Archaic. word, Archaic. sentence; saw, pithy statement, sententious saying, saying; axiom, maxim, precept, dictum; epigram, witticism, Fr. jeu d esprit. quip, Atticism; rule, golden rule, motto,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
maxim — n 1. aphorism, proverb, apothegm, gnome, mot, adage, Archaic. word, Archaic. sentence; saw, pithy statement, sententious saying, saying; axiom, precept, prescript, dictum; epigram, witticism, Fr. jeu d esprit. quip, Atticism; cliché , hackneyed… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
precept — n 1. canon, rubric, guideline, working principle, guiding principle; unwritten law, common law, lex non scripta; ethical code, code of honor, corpus juris, code; ordinance, decree, edict, Law. writ, rescript, assize; dictate, dictum, order,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
proverb — n maxim, aphorism, apothegm, gnome, adage, Archaic. word, Archaic. sentence; saw, pithy statement, sententious saying, saying; axiom, precept, prescript, dictum, moral; epigram, witticism, Fr. jeu d esprit. quip, Atticism; clichd, hackneyed… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder