signify assent

signify assent
index acknowledge (respond), concur (agree)

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  • Royal Assent — The granting of Royal Assent is the formal method by which a constitutional monarch completes the legislative process of lawmaking by formally assenting to an Act of Parliament. While the power to withhold Royal Assent was once exercised often,… …   Wikipedia

  • thumbs —    A surprising number of gestures and practices of past times involved the thumb. The folding of the thumb into the palm of the hand, with the other fingers closed over it, was believed to be a protection against witches, or general evil:… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Browse wrap — What is a Browse Wrap License?A browse wrap license is part of the web site and the user assents to the contract when the user visits the website. [Ian A. Rambarran, Are Browse Wrap Agreements All They Are Wrapped Up to Be? (November 25,2006).… …   Wikipedia

  • concur — con·cur /kən kər/ vi con·curred, con·cur·ring 1: to happen at the same time 2: to express agreement he shall have make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur U.S. Constitution art. II; specif: to join in an… …   Law dictionary

  • nod — [näd] vi. nodded, nodding [ME nodden, prob. in basic sense “to shake the head,” akin to Ger notten, to move about, OHG hnotōn, to shake, OE hnossian, to knock < IE * kneudh < base * ken , to scratch, scrape > NIP1] 1. to bend the head… …   English World dictionary

  • nod — v. & n. v. (nodded, nodding) 1 intr. incline one s head slightly and briefly in greeting, assent, or command. 2 intr. let one s head fall forward in drowsiness; be drowsy. 3 tr. incline (one s head). 4 tr. signify (assent etc.) by a nod. 5 intr.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Eustace John — His Honour Mr. Eustace John, Nevisian born Deputy Governor General of Nevis, was sworn into office in 1992. He is the second person to have served as Governor General of Nevis, preceded only by Mr. Weston Parris (died 1992), who served from 1983… …   Wikipedia

  • acknowledge — ac·knowl·edge vt edged, edg·ing 1: to indicate recognition and acceptance of the power of taxation in the general and state governments is acknowledged to be concurrent McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 (1819) 2 a: to show by word or act that… …   Law dictionary

  • amen —    This word (from Hebrew for certainly or so be it ) is often used to signify assent at the end of a prayer or hymn. In the Gospels, Jesus used amen to introduce statements in order to emphasize their truth and authority. (See CCC 1061 1065) …   Glossary of theological terms

  • hand — n. & v. n. 1 a the end part of the human arm beyond the wrist, including the fingers and thumb. b in other primates, the end part of a forelimb, also used as a foot. 2 a (often in pl.) control, management, custody, disposal (is in good hands). b… …   Useful english dictionary

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