social behavior
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Social behavior — In physics, physiology and sociology, social behavior is behavior directed towards society, or taking place between, members of the same species. Behavior such as predation which involves members of different species is not social. While many… … Wikipedia
social behavior — socialinis elgesys statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Socialinių grupių ir jų narių elgimosi būdas atitinkamoje aplinkoje, to elgimosi standartai. atitikmenys: angl. social behavior vok. soziales Verhalten, n rus. социальное… … Sporto terminų žodynas
The Genetical Evolution of Social Behavior — is a 1964 scientific paper by the British evolutionary biologist W.D. Hamilton in which he mathematically lays out the basis for inclusive fitness. It appeared in the Journal of Theoretical Biology in two parts volume 1, pages 295–311 [Hamilton,… … Wikipedia
Social rule system theory — is an attempt to formally approach different kinds of social rule systems in a unified manner. Social rules systems include institutions such as norms, laws, regulations, taboos, customs, and a variety of related concepts and are important in the … Wikipedia
Social neuroscience — is an interdisciplinary field that utilizes the complementary insights and approaches of neuroscience and social science to analyze social and affective aspects of human behavior. An emerging field, it is closely related to affective neuroscience … Wikipedia
Behavior management — is similar to behavior modification. It is a less intensive version of behavior modification. In behavior modification the focus is on changing behavior, while in behavior management the focus is on maintaining order. Behavior management skills… … Wikipedia
Social engineering (political science) — Social engineering is a concept in political science that refers to efforts to influence popular attitudes and social behavior on a large scale, whether by governments or private groups. In the political arena the counterpart of social… … Wikipedia
Social computing — is a general term for an area of computer science that is concerned with the intersection of social behavior and computational systems. It is used in two ways. In the weaker sense of the term, social computing has to do with supporting any sort… … Wikipedia
Social exchange theory — is a social psychological and sociological perspective and that explains social change and stability as a process of negotiated exchanges between parties. Social exchange theory posits that all human relationships are formed by the use of a… … Wikipedia
Social skills — are a group of skills which people need to interact and communicate with others. Social rules and relations are created, communicated, and changed in verbal and nonverbal ways. The process of learning these skills is called socialization. In… … Wikipedia