mezzanine finance — noun Finance usu for the takeover of a large company, consisting of an unsecured, high interest loan, sometimes with a share option for the lender • • • Main Entry: ↑mezzanine … Useful english dictionary
Mezzanine Finance — A type of funding capital midway between debt and equity in that it offers a higher interest rate than senior debt, but provides a lower longer term return than equity. This allows large deals to be structured in the most suitable method for… … Financial and business terms
mezzanine finance — /ˌmetsəni:n faɪnæns/ noun finance provided to a company after it has received start up finance COMMENT: Mezzanine finance is slightly less risky than start up finance, since the company has usually already started trading; it is, however,… … Dictionary of banking and finance
mezzanine finance — Finance, usually provided by specialist financial institutions, that is neither pure equity nor pure debt. It can take many different forms and can be secured or unsecured; it usually earns a higher rate of return than pure debt but less than… … Accounting dictionary
mezzanine finance — /mɛzənin ˈfaɪnæns/ (say mezuhneen fuynans) noun a form of borrowed finance which is behind senior debt in the ranking of claims for repayment in the case of default, liquidation, etc., but ahead of equity; often secured by a second mortgage.… …
mezzanine finance — 1) Finance, usually provided by specialist financial institutions, that is neither pure equity nor pure debt. It can take many different forms and can be secured or unsecured; it usually earns a higher rate of return than pure debt but less than… … Big dictionary of business and management
Mezzanine capital — Mezzanine capital, in finance, refers to a subordinated debt or preferred equity instrument that represents a claim on a company s assets which is senior only to that of the common shares. Mezzanine financings can be structured either as debt… … Wikipedia
Mezzanine-Finanzierung — Mezzanine Kapital oder Mezzanine Finanzierungen (abgeleitet aus der Architektur i. S. v. Zwischengeschoss) beschreibt als Sammelbegriff Finanzierungsarten, die in ihren rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Ausgestaltungen eine Mischform zwischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mezzanine Kredite — Mezzanine Kapital oder Mezzanine Finanzierungen (abgeleitet aus der Architektur i. S. v. Zwischengeschoss) beschreibt als Sammelbegriff Finanzierungsarten, die in ihren rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Ausgestaltungen eine Mischform zwischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mezzanine-Kapital — oder Mezzanine Finanzierungen (abgeleitet aus der Architektur im Sinne von Zwischengeschoss) beschreibt als Sammelbegriff Finanzierungsarten, die in ihren rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Ausgestaltungen eine Mischform zwischen Eigen und… … Deutsch Wikipedia