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  • Strages Virorvm — STRAGES VIRORVM, Gr. Ἀνδροκτασίαι, ῶν, (⇒ Tab. I.) Töchter der Eris, oder Uneinigkeit. Hesiod. Theog. v. 278 …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • strage — {{hw}}{{strage}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Uccisione violenta di un gran numero di persone o animali: la strage degli innocenti; SIN. Distruzione, massacro, sterminio. 2 (fig., est.) Esito rovinoso: agli esami c è stata una –s. 3 (pop.) Grande quantità: c… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • HYDRA — Primera aparición Strange Tales n.º 135 Creador(es) Stan Lee. Jack Kirby. Editorial Marvel Comics Base de ope …   Wikipedia Español

  • Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre — • This massacre of which Protestants were the victims occurred in Paris on 24 August, 1572 (the feast of St. Bartholomew), and in the provinces of France during the ensuing weeks, and it has been the subject of knotty historical disputes Catholic …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • LEO — I. LEO Alabandensis orator, praeter artem de Statibus, composuit Caricorum libros 4. totidemque Lyciacorum, reste Suidâ, qui et scripsisse ait sacrum bellum Phocensium, et Boeotorum. Equidem id negare non ausim, sed tamen fieri poslet, ut eos… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • страх — род. п. а, укр. страх, род. и. у, др. русск. страхъ, ст. слав. страхъ φόβος (Супр.), болг. страх, сербохорв. стра̑х, род. п. стра̏ха, словен. strȃh, род. п. strȃha, strahȗ, чеш. strach, слвц. strach, польск. strach, в. луж. trach, н. луж.… …   Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера

  • Pope Gregory XIII — Infobox pope English name=Gregory XIII|Latin name=Dude PP. XIII birth name=Ugo Boncompagni term start=May 13, 1572|term end=April 10, 1585 predecessor=Pius V|successor=Sixtus V birth date=January 7, 1502|birthplace=Bologna, Italy dead=dead death… …   Wikipedia

  • St. Bartholomew's Day massacre — Painting by François Dubois, a Huguenot painter born circa 1529 in Amiens, who settled in Switzerland. Although Dubois did not witness the massacre, he depicts Admiral Coligny s body hanging out of a window at the rear to the right. To the left… …   Wikipedia

  • Criticism of the Roman Catholic Church — subsumes critical observations made about the current or historical Roman Catholic Church, in its actions, teachings, omissions, structure, or nature; theological disagreements would be covered on a denominational basis. Criticisms may regard the …   Wikipedia

  • Kingdom of Navarre — Infobox Former Country native name = Reino de Navarra Nafarroako Erresuma Royaume de Navarre conventional long name = Kingdom of Navarre common name = Kingdom of Navarre national motto = continent = Europe region = Mediterranean country = Spain… …   Wikipedia

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