sufficient amount

sufficient amount
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  • Amount of substance — is a standards defined quantity that measures the size of an ensemble of elementary entities, such as atoms, molecules, electrons, and other particles. It is sometimes referred to as chemical amount. The International System of Units (SI) defines …   Wikipedia

  • sufficient — [sə fish′ənt] adj. [ME < L sufficiens, prp. of sufficere: see SUFFICE] 1. as much as is needed; equal to what is specified or required; enough 2. competent; well qualified; able sufficiently adv. SYN. SUFFICIENT and ENOUGH agree in describing… …   English World dictionary

  • Sufficient statistic — In statistics, a sufficient statistic is a statistic which has the property of sufficiency with respect to a statistical model and its associated unknown parameter, meaning that no other statistic which can be calculated from the same sample… …   Wikipedia

  • sufficient evidence — Adequate evidence; such evidence, in character, weight, or amount, as will legally justify the judicial or official action demanded; according to circumstances, it may be prima facie or satisfactory evidence. Sufficient evidence is that which is… …   Black's law dictionary

  • sufficient sureties — Sureties on a bail bond of financial ability to respond in payment of the amount of the bond and of sufficient vigilance to secure the appearance and prevent the absconding of the accused. 8 Am J2d Bail § 82 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Non-sufficient funds — (NSF) is a term used in the banking industry to indicate that a demand for payment (a cheque) cannot be honored because insufficient funds are available in the account on which the instrument was drawn. In simplified terms, a cheque has been… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-Sufficient Funds - NSF — An acronym used in the banking industry to signify that there are non sufficient funds in an account in order to honor a check drawn on that account. Colloquially, this is known as a bounced check or bad check . Banks normally charge a fee to the …   Investment dictionary

  • enough, sufficient — These words are interchangeable, as is pointed out under ample, enough. Each means adequate, equal to the required amount : We have enough food to last us for a week. We have sufficient money to buy more when we need it. These words should not be …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • Irrigation in viticulture — A vineyard with a drip irrigation system running along the bottom of the vines The role of irrigation in viticulture is considered both controversial and essential to wine production. In the physiology of the grapevine, water is a vital component …   Wikipedia

  • Europe, history of — Introduction       history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… …   Universalium

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