pathfinder prospectus

pathfinder prospectus
A preliminary offering document or draft prospectus (known as a red herring in the US) which is used to assess the level of demand from potential investors for the shares on offer. The pathfinder normally contains an indicative price range within which the offer price will be set.

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • pathfinder prospectus — ➔ prospectus * * * pathfinder prospectus UK US noun [C] STOCK MARKET ► a document produced for possible investors by a company selling shares for the first time. It gives details of the company, but does not give the price at which shares will be …   Financial and business terms

  • Pathfinder Prospectus — A pre prospectus statement of financial condition that is sent to a limited group of potential underwriters and institutional investors prior to a securities or IPO filing. The goal of a pathfinder prospectus is to create demand and eventually… …   Investment dictionary

  • pathfinder prospectus — An outline prospectus concerning the flotation of a new company in the UK; it includes enough details to test the market reaction to the new company but not its main financial details or the price of its shares. Pathfinder prospectuses are known… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • pathfinder prospectus — noun a preliminary prospectus, relating to a proposed company flotation, that does not state the expected price of shares …   Wiktionary

  • pathfinder prospectus — An outline prospectus designed to test the market reaction to the flotation of a new company …   Accounting dictionary

  • pathfinder prospectus — / pɑ:θfaɪndə prəˌspektəs/ noun a preliminary prospectus about a company which is going to be launched on the Stock Exchange, sent to potential major investors before the issue date, giving details of the company’s background, but not giving the… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • prospectus — A document that describes the details and financial support for a new bond or stock issue offering. A prospectus is required by the Securities and Exchange Commission. American Banker Glossary Formal written document to sell securities that… …   Financial and business terms

  • Prospectus — Formal written document to sell securities that describes the plan for a proposed business enterprise, or the facts concerning an existing one, that an investor needs to make an informed decision. Prospectuses are used by mutual funds to describe …   Financial and business terms

  • pathfinder admission document — A preliminary offering document or draft admission document which is used to assess the level of demand from potential investors for the shares on offer. The pathfinder must contain all the information required by the AIM Rules (AIM Rules for… …   Law dictionary

  • preliminary prospectus — /prɪˌlɪmɪn(ə)ri prə spektəs/ noun same as pathfinder prospectus …   Dictionary of banking and finance

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