Response rate — (also known as completion rate or return rate ) in survey research refers to the ratio of number of people who answered the survey divided by the number of people in the sample. It is usually expressed in the form of a percentage.Example: if… … Wikipedia
Response Priming — Mit dem Begriff Response Priming bezeichnet man eine besondere Form des Priming in der Wahrnehmungspsychologie. Allgemein bestehen Priming Effekte darin, dass die Reaktion (engl. Response) auf einen Zielreiz (engl. Target) von der vorausgehenden… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Form-based code — A form based code (FBC) is a means of regulating development to achieve a specific urban form. Form based codes create a predictable public realm by controlling physical form primarily, with a lesser focus on land use, through city or county… … Wikipedia
Response spectrum — A response spectrum is simply a plot of the peak or steady state response (displacement, velocity or acceleration) of a series of oscillators of varying natural frequency, that are forced into motion by the same base vibration or shock. The… … Wikipedia
Response time (technology) — In technology, response time is the time a system or functional unit takes to react to a given input. Data processing In data processing, the response time perceived by the end user is the interval between :(a) the instant at which an operator at … Wikipedia
Form — Gefüge; Organisation; Gerüst; Konsistenz; Struktur; Beschaffenheit; Anordnung; Geflecht; Aufbau; Zustand; Qualität; Fasson; … Universal-Lexikon
Response Dynamics, Inc. — Infobox Company name = Response Dynamics, Inc. type = S corporation genre = foundation = 1981 founder = location city = Vienna, Virginia location country = United States location = locations = area served = key people = Ron Kanfer, President… … Wikipedia
response prevention — a form of behaviour therapy given for severe obsession. Patients are encouraged to abstain from rituals and repetitive acts while they are in situations that arouse anxiety. For example, a hand washing ritual might be treated by stopping washing… … Medical dictionary
response prevention — a form of behaviour therapy given for severe obsessions. Patients are encouraged to abstain from rituals and repetitive acts while they are in situations that arouse anxiety. For example, a hand washing ritual might be treated by stopping washing … The new mediacal dictionary
Direct response television — Direct Response Television, or DRTV for short, includes any television advertising that asks consumers to respond directly to the company usually either by calling an 800 number or by visiting a web site. This is a form of direct response… … Wikipedia