
index bare, denude, disclose, find (discover), manifest, produce (offer to view)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • unscreen — un·screen …   English syllables

  • unscreen — |ən+ transitive verb Etymology: un (II) + screen : to remove the screen from : unveil, reveal …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sunscreen controversy — Sunscreen protects against two common forms of skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC), and several sunscreen ingredients protect against tumor development in photocarcinogenicity tests in mice. However, there is …   Wikipedia

  • Skin whitening — The term skin whitening covers a variety of cosmetic methods used to whiten the skin. It is most common in parts of Africa and Asia.Skin lightening or whitening is a controversial topic as it is closely intertwined with the detrimental effects on …   Wikipedia

  • manifest — man·i·fest 1 / ma nə ˌfest/ adj 1: capable of being readily perceived by the senses and esp. by sight a manifest injury 2: capable of being easily understood or recognized: clearly evident, obvious, and indisputable vacating an arbitrator s award …   Law dictionary

  • disclose — dis·close /dis klōz/ vt: to make known or reveal to another or to the public Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. disclose …   Law dictionary

  • produce — I (manufacture) verb accomplish, achieve, assemble, bear, beget, breed, bring about, bring forth, bring into being, bring into existence, bring to pass, build, coin, compose, conceive, concoct, construct, contrive, create, devise, draw up, effect …   Law dictionary

  • bare — I verb admit, air, announce, appear, be disclosed, be public, bring into view, bring out in evidence, bring to light, confess, declare, denude, disclose, display, divulgate, divulge, evince, evulgate, exhibit, expose, expose to view, lay bare,… …   Law dictionary

  • denude — I verb bare, bring to light, defoliate, denudate, disclose, disfurnish, disrobe, divest, doff, exhibit, expose, flay, lay bare, lay open, lay waste, make naked, make public, manifest, open, pare, peel, present to view, publicize, reveal, shed,… …   Law dictionary

  • find — vb found, find·ing vt 1: to come upon accidentally or through effort found a valuable antique in the old desk found a buyer for the property 2: to make a judicial determination regarding …   Law dictionary

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