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unsepulcher — v.t. * * * … Universalium
unsepulcher — v.t … Useful english dictionary
disinter — I verb bare, bring from obscurity into view, bring out, deracinate, detect, dig out, dig up, dig up out of the earth, discover, disentomb, disinhume, display, draw forth, draw out, educe, effodere, elicit, eruere, evince, evoke, evulse, excavate … Law dictionary
unearth — v 1. dig up, exhume, excavate, grub up, dredge up; mine, quarry, pull out, root out, deracinate; disinter; unbury, untomb, disentomb, unsepulcher. 2. uncover, discover, find, come across, hit upon; bring to light, expose, reveal, disclose; turn… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder