
index indivisible, inseparable

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • indivisible — in·di·vis·i·ble /ˌin də vi zə bəl/ adj: consisting of one whole whose parts cannot be divided or treated individually an indivisible obligation in·di·vis·i·bil·i·ty / ˌvi zə bi lə tē/ n in·di·vis·i·bly adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Me …   Law dictionary

  • inseparable — I adjective attached, blended, cemented, close, combined, consolidated, constantly together, devoted, fast, firm, fused, glued, impartible, incapable of being parted, indiscerptible, indissoluble, indivisible, inextricable, infrangible,… …   Law dictionary

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