use wrongly

use wrongly
index abuse (misuse), exploit (take advantage of), ill use, misemploy, mishandle (maltreat), mishandle (mismanage), mistreat

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Use value — In Marx s critique of political economy, any labor product has a value and a use value, and if it is traded as a commodity in markets, it additionally has an exchange value, most often expressed as a money price. Marx acknowledges that… …   Wikipedia

  • wrong vs wrongly —   Wrong and wrongly are both adverbs.   Wrong can be used informally instead of wrongly after a verb. In fact it is taking over from the word wrongly.   However, when the adverb comes before the verb we use wrongly .   For example:   Sean Hodgson …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • wrong vs wrongly —   Wrong and wrongly are both adverbs.   Wrong can be used informally instead of wrongly after a verb. In fact it is taking over from the word wrongly.   However, when the adverb comes before the verb we use wrongly .   For example:   Sean Hodgson …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • ill-use — I verb abuse, abuti, afflict, be hurtful, be malevolent, bruise, buffet, castigate, cause evil, damage, deal hard measure to, do an injustice to, do evil, do harm to, do violence, do wrong, flagellate, grind, harm, hurt, ill treat, injure, knock… …   Law dictionary

  • Energy use and conservation in the United Kingdom — For Government policy, see Energy policy of the United Kingdom Energy use and conservation in the United Kingdom has been receiving increased attention over recent years. Key factors behind this are the UK Government s commitment to reducing… …   Wikipedia

  • mishandle — I (maltreat) verb abuse, assail, assault, batter, defile, handle badly, ill treat, ill use, impose upon, injure, manhandle, maul, misemploy, misuse, molest, overburden, persecute, ravish, rough, treat abusively, treat ill, treat improperly,… …   Law dictionary

  • Alcoholism — Classification and external resources …   Wikipedia

  • abuse — 1 /ə byüz/ vt abused, abus·ing 1: to put to a use other than the one intended: as a: to put to a bad or unfair use abusing the powers of office b: to put to improper or excessive use abuse narcotics …   Law dictionary

  • exploit — I (make use of) verb apply, avail oneself of, bring into play, capitalize on, consume, employ, exercise, fall back on, find useful, implement, make the most of, manipulate, operate, profit by, put in practice, put into action, put into operation …   Law dictionary

  • abuse — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. misuse, misapply; mistreat, injure, damage; malign, scold, berate, vilify, curse; flay. n. injury, desecration; insult. See disapprobation, badness, deception, impurity, wrong.Ant., praise,… …   English dictionary for students

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