value in exchange
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value in exchange — 1. Exchange value 2. The amount of other commodities for which a thing can be exchanged in the open market (economics) • • • Main Entry: ↑value … Useful english dictionary
Value (economics) — Economics … Wikipedia
value — The utility of an object in satisfying, directly or indirectly, the needs or desires of human beings, called by economists value in use, or its worth consisting in the power of purchasing other objects, called value in exchange. Joint Highway… … Black's law dictionary
exchange — ex|change1 [ ıks tʃeındʒ ] noun *** ▸ 1 giving each other something ▸ 2 angry conversation ▸ 3 change type of money ▸ 4 change places with ▸ 5 place to buy & sell goods ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count a situation in which one person gives another person… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
exchange — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English exchaunge, from Anglo French eschange, from eschanger to exchange, from Vulgar Latin *excambiare, from Latin ex + cambiare to exchange more at change Date: 14th century 1. the act of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
value — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. usefulness, worth; price, cost, rate, rating; estimation, valuation, merit; import; significance; shade, tone, emphasis. v. t. esteem, prize, treasure, regard highly; appraise, evaluate, assess, rate … English dictionary for students
value — I. n. 1. Worth, utility, importance (value in use). 2. Price, cost, rate, equivalent (value in exchange). 3. Estimation, excellence, importance. 4. Precise signification, import. 5. (Mus.) Relative length, duration … New dictionary of synonyms
exchange — verb give something and receive something else, especially of the same kind, in return. noun 1》 an act or the action of exchanging. 2》 a short conversation or argument. 3》 the changing of money to its equivalent in the currency of another country … English new terms dictionary
exchange — ex·change n 1 a: a giving of something of value (as real property) in return for something of equal value (as money or property of a like kind) b in the civil law of Louisiana: a giving of something of value in return for something of equal value … Law dictionary
exchange — ex*change ([e^]ks*ch[=a]nj ), n. [OE. eschange, eschaunge, OF. eschange, fr. eschangier, F. [ e]changer, to exchange; pref. ex out + F. changer. See {Change}, and cf. {Excamb}.] 1. The act of giving or taking one thing in return for another which … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English