
index bitter (reproachful), malevolent, malignant, mordacious, scathing

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  • Vitriolic — Vit ri*ol ic, a. [Cf. F. vitriolique.] 1. (Chem.) Of or pertaining to vitriol; derived from, or resembling, vitriol; vitriolous; as, a vitriolic taste. Cf. {Vitriol}. [1913 Webster] 2. Biting, bitter or caustic; having or expressing strong and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vitriolic — [vi΄trē äl′ik] adj. [Fr vitriolique] 1. of, like, or derived from a vitriol 2. extremely biting or caustic; sharp and bitter [vitriolic talk] …   English World dictionary

  • vitriolic — VITRIÓLIC, Ă adj. de natura vitriolului (1). (< fr. vitriolique) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

  • vitriolic — 1660s, from Fr. vitriolique (16c.) or from VITRIOL (Cf. vitriol) + IC (Cf. ic). Figurative use by 1841 …   Etymology dictionary

  • vitriolic — vit|ri|ol|ic [ˌvıtriˈɔlık US ˈa:lık] adj formal vitriolic language, writing etc is very cruel and angry towards someone ▪ vitriolic remarks …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • vitriolic — vit|ri|ol|ic [ ,vıtri alık ] adjective vitriolic language or behavior is cruel and full of hate: They mounted a vitriolic attack against the government. ╾ vit|ri|ol|i|cal|ly [ ,vıtri alıkli ] adverb …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • vitriolic — [[t]vɪ̱triɒ̱lɪk[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n (disapproval) If you describe someone s language or behaviour as vitriolic, you disapprove of it because it is full of bitterness and hate, and so causes a lot of distress and pain. There was a vicious… …   English dictionary

  • vitriolic — adjective vitriolic language is very cruel and intended to hurt someone s feelings: a vitriolic attack on homosexuals vitriolically / kli/ adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • vitriolic — /vi tree ol ik/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or resembling vitriol. 2. obtained from vitriol. 3. very caustic; scathing: vitriolic criticism. [1660 70; VITRIOL + IC] Syn. 3. acid, bitter. Ant. 3. bland, mild. * * * …   Universalium

  • vitriolic — adjective a) of, derived from, or similar to a vitriol b) bitterly scathing; caustic: vitriolic criticism …   Wiktionary

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