waive privilege

waive privilege
index condescend (deign)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • waive — / wāv/ vt waived, waiv·ing [Anglo French waiver weiver, literally to abandon, forsake, from waif weif forlorn, stray, probably from Old Norse veif something loose or flapping] 1: to relinquish (as a right or privilege) voluntarily and… …   Law dictionary

  • waive — [wāv] vt. waived, waiving [ME weiven < Anglo Fr waiver, to renounce, abandon < ON veifa, to fluctuate: see WAIF] 1. to give up or forgo (a right, claim, privilege, etc.) 2. to refrain from insisting on or taking advantage of 3. to put off… …   English World dictionary

  • waive — v To abandon, throw away, renounce, repudiate, or surrender a claim, a privilege, a right, or the opportunity to take advantage of some defect, irregularity, or wrong. To give up right or claim voluntarily. A person is said to waive a benefit… …   Black's law dictionary

  • privilege */*/ — UK [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ] / US noun Word forms privilege : singular privilege plural privileges 1) [countable] a special benefit that is available only to a particular person or group Cheap air travel is one of the privileges of working for the airline.… …   English dictionary

  • Legal professional privilege (England & Wales) — In England and Wales, the principle of legal professional privilege has long been recognised by the common law. It is seen as a fundamental principle of justice, and grants a protection from disclosing evidence. It is a right that attaches to the …   Wikipedia

  • attorney-client privilege — noun confidential relationship, confidentiality, fiduciary privilege, immunity from divulging confidences, nondisclosable relationship, private relationship, privileged relationship Generally:{{}}protected relationship… …   Law dictionary

  • State Secrets Privilege — The State Secrets Privilege is an evidentiary rule created by United States legal precedent. The court is asked to exclude evidence from a legal case based solely on an affidavit submitted by the government stating court proceedings might… …   Wikipedia

  • condescend — I (deign) verb accommodate oneself, accord, be courteous, be gracious, descend, descendere, disregard prestige, grant, humble oneself, lower oneself, sacrifice pride, se submittere, stoop, tolerate, unbend, vouchsafe, waive privilege, yield II… …   Law dictionary

  • Miranda warning — The Miranda warning (also referred to as Miranda rights) is a warning that is required to be given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial interrogation) before they are interrogated to inform them …   Wikipedia

  • Admission to the bar in the United States — For information on individual state bars, see state bar association. Legal education in the United States …   Wikipedia

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