waste away
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waste away — ˌwaste a ˈway [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they waste away he/she/it wastes away present participle wasting away past tense … Useful english dictionary
waste away — {v.} To become more thin and weak every day. * /Jane is wasting away with tuberculosis./ * /After Mrs. Barnes died, her husband wasted away with grief./ … Dictionary of American idioms
waste away — {v.} To become more thin and weak every day. * /Jane is wasting away with tuberculosis./ * /After Mrs. Barnes died, her husband wasted away with grief./ … Dictionary of American idioms
waste away — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms waste away : present tense I/you/we/they waste away he/she/it wastes away present participle wasting away past tense wasted away past participle wasted away to gradually become thinner and weaker over a… … English dictionary
waste away — 1. to gradually become thin and weak. He stopped eating and wasted away until he looked like a shadow. 2. to be damaged or rubbed away by weather. Good soil can waste away quickly if it s not cared for properly … New idioms dictionary
waste away — PHRASAL VERB If someone wastes away, they become extremely thin or weak because they are ill or worried and they are not eating properly. [V P] Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away … English dictionary
waste away phr v — Old sewage workers never die, they just waste away … English expressions
waste away — Synonyms and related words: Sanforize, abate, ablate, absorb, age, assimilate, atomize, atrophy, attenuate, bate, be consumed, be eaten away, be gone, bleed white, break up, burn up, cease, cease to be, cease to exist, cheat the undertaker, come… … Moby Thesaurus
waste\ away — v To become more thin and weak every day. Jane is wasting away with tuberculosis. After Mrs. Barnes died, her husband wasted away with grief … Словарь американских идиом
waste away — become progressively weaker and more emaciated. → waste … English new terms dictionary