- software interface
The part of a computer program which enables it to connect with another computer program.
Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010.
Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010.
Interface (computing) — For other uses, see Interface. In the field of computer science, an interface is a tool and concept that refers to a point of interaction between components, and is applicable at the level of both hardware and software. This allows a component,… … Wikipedia
Interface — Die Schnittstelle oder das Interface [ˈɪntɚfeɪs] (englisch „Grenzfläche“) ist der Teil eines Systems, der der Kommunikation dient. Der Begriff stammt ursprünglich aus der Naturwissenschaft und bezeichnet die physikalische Phasengrenze zweier… … Deutsch Wikipedia
interface — ▪ I. interface in‧ter‧face 1 [ˈɪntəfeɪs ǁ ər ] noun [countable] 1. the point at which two subjects, events etc are connected with each other or have an effect on one another: interface between • The next chapter discusses the interface between… … Financial and business terms
Software prototyping — Software prototyping, a possible activity during software development, is the creation of prototypes, i.e., incomplete versions of the software program being developed.A prototype typically simulates only a few aspects of the features of the… … Wikipedia
Interface (computer science) — Interface generally refers to an abstraction that an entity provides of itself to the outside. This separates the methods of external communication from internal operation, and allows it to be internally modified without affecting the way outside … Wikipedia
Software-Ergonom — Software Ergonomie (Abk. SE, v. griech.: ergon = Werk , (Mühe, Arbeit) + nomos = Lehre, Gesetz, Regel / engl.: Usability Engineering) ist die Arbeit hin zu leicht verständlicher und schnell benutzbarer Software unter den gebotenen technischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Software copyright — Software copyright, the relatively recent extension of copyright law to machine readable software. It is used by proprietary software companies to prevent the unauthorized copying of their software. It is also used by proponents of open source… … Wikipedia
Software Security Assurance — Software is itself a resource and thus must be afforded appropriate security. Software also contains and controls data and other resources. Therefore, it must be designed and implemented to protect those resources. Software Security Assurance is… … Wikipedia
Software design — is a process of problem solving and planning for a software solution. After the purpose and specifications of software are determined, software developers will design or employ designers to develop a plan for a solution. It includes low level… … Wikipedia
Software incompatibility — is a characteristic of software components or systems which cannot operate satisfactorily together on the same computer, or on different computers linked by a computer network. They may be components or systems which are intended to operate… … Wikipedia