administrative judge

administrative judge
administrative judge n: administrative law judge

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

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  • administrative law judge — n: an officer in a government agency with quasi judicial functions including conducting hearings, making findings of fact, and making recommendations for resolution of disputes concerning the agency s actions – called also administrative judge;… …   Law dictionary

  • judge — 1 / jəj/ vb judged, judg·ing [Old French jugier, from Latin judicare, from judic judex judge, from jus right, law + dicere to decide, say] vt 1: to hear and decide (as a litigated question) in a court of justice judge a case 2: to pronounce after …   Law dictionary

  • administrative hearing — see hearing Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. administrative hearing …   Law dictionary

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  • administrative law — n: the branch of the law dealing with government agencies Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. administrative law n …   Law dictionary

  • Administrative law judge — An administrative law judge (ALJ) in the United States is an official who presides at an administrative trial type hearing to resolve a dispute between a government agency and someone affected by a decision of that agency. The ALJ is the initial… …   Wikipedia

  • administrative law — the body of rules and principles that governs the duties and operations of federal or state administrative agencies, as commissions and boards. [1890 95] * * * Law regulating the powers, procedures, and acts of public administration. It applies… …   Universalium

  • judge — I n. 1) a fair, impartial; harsh, severe; lenient judge 2) a hanging ( severe ) judge 3) an administrative; circuit; district; itinerant; trial judge 4) (sports) a field judge 5) (mil.) a judge advocate; a judge advocate general II v. 1) to judge …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Administrative License Revocation — License suspension or revocation traditionally follows conviction for alcohol impaired or drunk driving. However, under administrative license suspension (ALS) laws, sometimes called administrative license revocation, licenses are confiscated and …   Wikipedia

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