cross remainder

cross remainder
cross remainder see remainder

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

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  • cross-remainder — (Law): see remainder …   Useful english dictionary

  • cross remainder — Cross remainders are remainders which are so limited after particular estates to two or more persons in several parcels of land, or in several undivided shares in the same parcel of land, that, on the determination of the particular estates in… …   Black's law dictionary

  • cross remainder — Cross remainders are remainders which are so limited after particular estates to two or more persons in several parcels of land, or in several undivided shares in the same parcel of land, that, on the determination of the particular estates in… …   Black's law dictionary

  • cross remainder — noun Etymology: cross (III) : either of two or more remainders left by law to two or more persons so that upon failure of one his share goes to the other or others …   Useful english dictionary

  • remainder — re·main·der n [Anglo French, from Old French remaindre to remain] 1: an estate in property in favor of one other than the grantor that follows upon the natural termination of a prior intervening possessory estate (as a life estate) created at the …   Law dictionary

  • remainder — The remnant of an estate in land, depending upon a particular prior estate created at the same time and by the same instrument, and limited to arise immediately on the determination of that estate, and not in abridgement of it. A future interest… …   Black's law dictionary

  • cross remainders — Remainders limited after particular estates to two or more persons in several parcels of land, or in several undivided shares in the same parcel of land, in such way that on the determination of the particular estates in any of the several… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • cross section — Synonyms and related words: adjunct, chiasma, component, contingent, crossing, cruciation, decussation, detachment, detail, division, dole, embodiment, example, exponent, fraction, installment, intercrossing, intersecting, intersection, item,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • remainder — Synonyms and related words: adjunct, afterlife, balance, bonus, component, contingent, copyhold, credit, cross section, deficit, detachment, detail, difference, discrepancy, dividend, division, dole, epact, equitable estate, estate at sufferance …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway — Hampstead tube redirects here. For Hampstead tube station, see Hampstead tube station. Geographic route map of Charing Cross, Euston Hampstead Railway The Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway (CCE HR), also known as the Hampstead tube, was …   Wikipedia

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