- economic obsolescence
economic obsolescence see obsolescence
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
economic obsolescence — ekonominis turto nuvertėjimas statusas T sritis turto vertinimas apibrėžtis Turto naudingumo sumažėjimas dėl išorinių veiksnių, ypač susijusių su turto sukuriamų produktų pasiūlos ir paklausos pokyčiais. atitikmenys: angl. economic obsolescence… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
economic obsolescence — Loss of desirability and useful life of property due to economic developments (e.g. deterioration of neighborhood or zoning change) rather than deterioration (functional obsolescence). Term as used with respect to valuation of property for… … Black's law dictionary
economic obsolescence — Loss of desirability and useful life of property due to economic developments (e.g. deterioration of neighborhood or zoning change) rather than deterioration (functional obsolescence). Term as used with respect to valuation of property for… … Black's law dictionary
obsolescence — ob·so·les·cence /ˌäb sə les əns/ n: a loss in the utility or value of property that results over time from intrinsic limitations (as outmoded facilities) or external circumstances ◇ Obsolescence is usu. distinguished from depreciation and… … Law dictionary
obsolescence — Condition or process of falling into disuse. The diminution in value of property caused by changes in technology, public taste, and new inventions rendering the property less desirable on the market. A decline in market value of an asset caused… … Black's law dictionary
economic life — Useful or profitable life of property, which may be shorter than the physical life. See also economic obsolescence … Black's law dictionary
economic life — Useful or profitable life of property, which may be shorter than the physical life. See also economic obsolescence … Black's law dictionary
Economic history of Portugal — This article covers the economic history of Portugal.Portugal was once one of the largest and most powerful political and economic powers in the world. Since the 16th century to the end of the Estado Novo regime in 1974, Portugal s dominions were … Wikipedia
obsolescence — A reduction or ending of an asset’s *useful economic life (or sales value) through technological or other changes. Obsolescence is an important factor in the *amortization of *long term assets and the valuation of inventory The operational… … Auditor's dictionary
economic life — The time period over which an asset s NPV is maximized. Economic life can be less than absolute physical life for reasons of technological obsolescence, physical deterioration, or product life cycle. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * economic… … Financial and business terms