free alongside ship

free alongside ship
free along·side ship adv or adj: with delivery at the side of the ship free of charges and the buyer's liability then beginning

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

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  • free alongside ship — free along|side ship 〈[fri: əlɔ̣ŋsaıd ʃı̣p] Abk.: fas〉 Handelsklausel, nach der der Verkäufer Kosten u. Risiko des Transportes der Ware bis zum Schiff übernimmt [engl., „frei (bis zur) Seite des Schiffes“] * * * free alongside ship   [friː ə… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • free alongside ship — or free alongside vessel adj. delivered to the dock with freight charges paid by the shipper * * * …   Universalium

  • free alongside ship — or free alongside vessel adj. delivered to the dock with freight charges paid by the shipper …   English World dictionary

  • Free alongside ship — (FAS) is an incoterm. It means that the seller pays for transportation of the goods to the port of shipment. The buyer pays loading costs, freight, insurance, unloading costs and transportation from the port of destination to his factory. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Free Alongside Ship — ( FAS) An Incoterm ( FAS) that means the seller is responsible for the cost of transporting and delivering goods alongside a vessel in a port in his or her country. Since the buyer has responsibility for export clearance under FAS, it is not a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Free Alongside Ship — FAS est un Incoterm qui signifie Free Alongside Ship Dans cet incoterm, le vendeur paye le transport des marchandises jusqu au port d embarquement. L acheteur paye les coûts de chargement, le transport maritime, l assurance, les coûts de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Free alongside ship — Las siglas FAS (acrónimo del término en inglés Free Alongside Ship, «franco al costado del buque, puerto de carga convenido») se refieren a un incoterm, o cláusula de comercio internacional, que se utiliza para operaciones de compraventa en que… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Free Alongside Ship — Области действия терминов Инкотермс. FAS или Франко вдоль борта судна (англ. Free Alongside Ship, свободно вдоль борта судна) международ …   Википедия

  • free alongside ship — fas The basis of an export contract in which the seller pays for sending the goods to the port of shipment but not for loading them onto the ship. The seller must cover all insurance up to this point and any lighterage required. This may be the… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • free alongside ship — adverb (or adjective) or free alongside vessel : with delivery at the side of the ship free of charges, the buyer s liability then beginning …   Useful english dictionary

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