Inchmaree clause

Inchmaree clause
Inch·ma·ree clause /'inch-mə-rē-/ n [after Inchmaree, a British steamer whose 1884 sinking in Liverpool harbor resulted in its formulation]: a clause in a marine insurance policy that covers damage or loss caused by the negligence of a vessel's own captain or crew or by any defect in the ship's hull or machinery

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

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Look at other dictionaries:

  • inchmaree clause — ˈinchməˌrē noun Usage: usually capitalized I Etymology: after Inchmaree, British steamer; from its formulation as a result of the sinking of the Inchmaree in Liverpool harbor March, 1884 : a clause in a marine insurance policy on the hull of a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Inchmaree Clause — marine insurance clause introduced in 1887 to insure against damages from hidden defect in the vessel s hull or machinery and covers losses caused by crew negligence (named after a ship named Inchmaree ) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Inchmaree Clause — A clause of a marine insurance policy, covering loss of, or damage to, the hull or machinery, through the negligence of master, mariners, engineers or pilots, or through explosions, bursting of boilers, or breaking of shafts, or through any… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • inchmaree clause — In marine insurance, provision in policy protecting one from perils resulting from negligence of master, or from any latent defect in machinery or hull, charterer, mariners, engineers and pilots …   Black's law dictionary

  • inchmaree clause — In marine insurance, provision in policy protecting one from perils resulting from negligence of master, or from any latent defect in machinery or hull, charterer, mariners, engineers and pilots …   Black's law dictionary

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