luxury tax

luxury tax
lux·u·ry tax n: an excise levied on the purchase of items that are not essential for support or maintenance

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

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  • luxury tax — ➔ tax1 * * * luxury tax UK US noun [C or U] TAX ► a tax on expensive goods that are not necessary but are bought for pleasure: a luxury tax on sth »The government is considering imposing a luxury tax on jewellery …   Financial and business terms

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  • Luxury Tax — A tax placed on products or services that are deemed to be unnecessary or non essential. This type of tax is an indirect tax in that the tax increases the price of the good or service and is only incurred by those who purchase or use the product …   Investment dictionary

  • luxury tax — a tax on certain goods or services not considered essential and usually relatively high in price. [1900 05] * * * luxury tax, a tax put on the sale, manufacture, purchase, or use of luxury goods and services …   Useful english dictionary

  • luxury tax — tax imposed on non essential goods and services …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • luxury tax — a tax on certain goods or services not considered essential and usually relatively high in price. [1900 05] * * * Excise levy on goods or services considered to be luxuries rather than necessities (e.g., jewelry and perfume). Luxury taxes may be… …   Universalium

  • luxury tax — / lʌkʃəri tæks/ noun an extra tax levied on luxury goods …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • luxury tax — noun Any tax on the sale of items not considered to be essential to a reasonable standard of living; either to increase revenue, or to discourage the use of certain articles …   Wiktionary

  • luxury tax — Generic term for excise imposed on purchase of items which are not necessaries; e.g. tax on liquor or cigarettes …   Black's law dictionary

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