request for instructions

request for instructions
request for instructions: a written request setting forth instructions that the submitting party requests the court use in instructing the jury

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

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  • Request for Comments — Pour les articles homonymes, voir RFC (homonymie). Steve Crocker, auteur de la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Request for comment — Request for comments Pour les articles homonymes, voir RFC (homonymie). Steve Crocker, auteur de la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Request For Quotation — (ou RFQ ou demande de prix, aussi appelé consultation) est un dossier demandé par une entreprise à plusieurs fournisseurs potentiels préalablement identifiés, sur les estimations des coûts qui seront engendrés pour la réalisation d un nouveau… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Request for comments — « RFC » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir RFC (homonymie). Steve Crocker, auteur de la RFC 1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Request for Comments — Die Requests for Comments (kurz RFC; zu deutsch Bitte um Kommentare) sind eine Reihe von technischen und organisatorischen Dokumenten des RFC Editors zum Internet (ursprünglich Arpanet), die am 7. April 1969 begonnen wurden. Bei der ersten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • request for instruction — A request directed to the court by a party for an instruction to the jury, upon the general issues or upon particular phases of the case, in order that the points of law and the case may be fully presented to the jury by the instructions. 53 Am… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • request — 1. request, verb To ask for something or for permission or authority to do, see, hear, etc., something; to solicit. In its ordinary or natural meaning when used in a will, is precatory and not mandatory. Byars v. Byars, 143 Tex. 10, 182 S.W.2d… …   Black's law dictionary

  • jury instructions — A direction given by the judge to the jury concerning the law of the case; a statement made by the judge to the jury informing them of the law applicable to the case in general or some aspect of it; an exposition or the rules or principles of law …   Black's law dictionary

  • jury instructions — A direction given by the judge to the jury concerning the law of the case; a statement made by the judge to the jury informing them of the law applicable to the case in general or some aspect of it; an exposition or the rules or principles of law …   Black's law dictionary

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