tax sale certificate

tax sale certificate
tax sale certificate n: tax certificate

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

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  • tax certificate — n: a certificate issued to the purchaser of property at a tax sale that certifies the sale and entitles the purchaser to a tax deed upon expiration of the period for right of redemption if all taxes and charges have been paid voided the tax… …   Law dictionary

  • Tax certificate — (Law) The certificate issued to the purchaser of land at a tax sale certifying to the sale and the payment of the consideration thereof, and entitling the purchaser upon certain conditions and at a certain time thereafter to a deed or instrument… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tax — A charge by the government on the income of an individual, corporation, or trust, as well as the value of an estate or gift. The objective in assessing the tax is to generate revenue to be used for the needs of the public. A pecuniary burden laid …   Black's law dictionary

  • Tax lien — A tax lien is a lien imposed on property by law to secure payment of taxes. Tax liens may be imposed for delinquent taxes owed on real property or personal property, or as a result of failure to pay income taxes or other taxes.Tax liens in… …   Wikipedia

  • certificate — /sartifakat/ A written assurance, or official representation, that some act has or has not been done, or some event occurred, or some legal formality has been complied with. A written assurance made or issuing from some court, and designed as a… …   Black's law dictionary

  • certificate — /sartifakat/ A written assurance, or official representation, that some act has or has not been done, or some event occurred, or some legal formality has been complied with. A written assurance made or issuing from some court, and designed as a… …   Black's law dictionary

  • tax certificate — noun : the certificate issued to the purchaser of land at a tax sale certifying to the sale and the payment of the consideration therefor and entitling the purchaser upon certain conditions and at a certain time thereafter to a deed or instrument …   Useful english dictionary

  • tax deed — noun : a deed in the form required by statute evidencing the statutory rights and title acquired by the grantee as purchaser of the property described at its sale for nonpayment of a tax compare tax certificate, tax sale, tax title * * * tax… …   Useful english dictionary

  • tax title — Title held by one who purchases property at a tax sale. See also tax certificate tax deed tax …   Black's law dictionary

  • Tax forms in the United States — are used by taxpayers and tax exempt organizations to report financial information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They are used to report income and calculate taxes owed to the government of the United States. TOC Federal tax forms 990… …   Wikipedia

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